Display, semiconductor and solar systems ,Improved anodising ability,Excellent corrosion resistance,Low stress and dimensionally stable,Good welding properties
Very suitable for decorative anodising for EQ,Very good corrosion resistance to a normal atmosphere,Good formability,Good welding properties
very good cold forming,good hot forming,good resistance in natural atmosphere (also sea air) and industrial atmosphere,practically insensitive to stress corrosion cracking
Good cold forming properties,increased tarnish resistance,excellent corrosion resistance to engine and gear oils
very good cold forming and good hot forming properties,good resistance in natural atmosphere (also sea air) and industrial atmosphere
Curable alloy with very high strength,Very high fatigue strength,good machinability
Heat treatable alloy, with highest mechanical properties,high fatigue strength,very good erodibility,very good machinability,very good polishability,very good photoetchability
Very good welding properties ,Very good corrosion resistance ,Very good anodising properties for EQ , Good formability
Good cold forming and limited hot forming from 750 to 850 degrees.,CuSn6 has good resistance to seawater, various agents and industrial atmospheres and is very good tarnish resistant