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An image of the material AA7122 from the material Aluminum in the shape [akeneo-026]

AA7122 | [akeneo-026]

  • Material: Aluminum
  • Material chemically EN 573-3: Aluminium Al Zn5 Mg3 Cu (Certal SPC)

Very high strength values - for thick panels also in the core area ,Very good machinability

An image of the material EN AW-7075 from the material Aluminum in the shape plate - forged

EN AW-7075 | plate - forged

  • Material: Aluminum
  • DIN: 3.4365
  • Material chemically EN 573-3: Al Zn5,5 Mg Cu

Curable alloy with very high strength,Very high fatigue strength,good machinability

An image of the material EN AW-7075 from the material Aluminum in the shape [akeneo-026]

EN AW-7075 | [akeneo-026]

  • Material: Aluminum
  • DIN: 3.4365
  • Material chemically EN 573-3: Al Zn5,5 Mg Cu

Curable alloy with very high strength,Very high fatigue strength,good machinability

An image of the material FORMODAL® BM-400 rolled from the material Aluminum in the shape plate - forged

FORMODAL® BM-400 rolled | plate - forged

  • Material: Aluminum
  • DIN: -
  • Material chemically EN 573-3: FORMODAL BM-400

Plates: according to thickness rolled, stretched, forged, compressed ,Very high strength values - for thick plates and also tool making, mould making and model making in the core area ,Very good machinability ,Very good welding properties ,Good corrosion resistance ,Size range up to a thickness of 700 mm

An image of the material CW021A from the material Copper in the shape plate - forged

CW021A | plate - forged

  • Material: Copper
  • Material chemically EN 573-3: SE-Cu (Cu-HCP)

very good cold forming,good hot forming,good resistance in natural atmosphere (also sea air) and industrial atmosphere,practically insensitive to stress corrosion cracking

An image of the material FORMODAL® BM-400 rolled from the material Aluminum in the shape [akeneo-026]

FORMODAL® BM-400 rolled | [akeneo-026]

  • Material: Aluminum
  • DIN: -
  • Material chemically EN 573-3: FORMODAL BM-400

Plates: according to thickness rolled, stretched, forged, compressed ,Very high strength values - for thick plates and also tool making, mould making and model making in the core area ,Very good machinability ,Very good welding properties ,Good corrosion resistance ,Size range up to a thickness of 700 mm