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An image of the material CW111C from the material Copper in the shape plate rolled

CW111C | plate rolled

  • Material: Copper
  • Material chemically EN 573-3: Cu Ni 2 Si

An image of the material FORMODAL®060 from the material Aluminum in the shape plate rolled

FORMODAL®060 | plate rolled

  • Material: Aluminum
  • DIN: -
  • Material chemically EN 573-3: 7050

Rolled plates: according to thickness stretched or compressed ,Optimised for high core strength and optimal dimensional stability for higher strengths ,Very good machinability

An image of the material Aerospace Aluminium 2219 from the material Aluminum in the shape plate rolled

Aerospace Aluminium 2219 | plate rolled

  • Material: Aluminum
  • Material chemically EN 573-3: Aerospace -Aluminium 2219

An image of the material CW352H from the material Bronze in the shape plate rolled

CW352H | plate rolled

  • Material: Bronze
  • Material chemically EN 573-3: Cu Ni 10 Fe 1 Mn

Very good cold forming and good hot forming.,Copper-nickel alloys are among the most corrosion-resistant copper materials,Resistant to moisture, non-oxidising acids, alkalis and salt solutions, organic acids and dry gases such as oxygen, chlorine, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride, sulphur dioxide and carbon dioxide.

An image of the material EN AW-5754 from the material Aluminum in the shape plate rolled machined surface and both sides PVC coated

EN AW-5754 | plate rolled machined surface and both sides PVC coated

  • Material: Aluminum
  • DIN: 3.3535
  • Material chemically EN 573-3: Al Mg3

Very good welding properties ,Very good corrosion resistance ,Very good anodising properties for EQ , Good formability

An image of the material EN AW-6082 from the material Aluminum in the shape rolled plate special type

EN AW-6082 | rolled plate special type

  • Material: Aluminum
  • DIN: 3.2315
  • Material chemically EN 573-3: Al Si1 Mg Mn

 Good corrosion resistance , Good welding properties ,Curable alloy , Good machinability 

An image of the material CW024A from the material Copper in the shape plate rolled

CW024A | plate rolled

  • Material: Copper
  • Material chemically EN 573-3: SF-Cu

very good cold forming and good hot forming properties,good resistance in natural atmosphere (also sea air) and industrial atmosphere

An image of the material Aerospace Aluminium 2014A from the material Aluminum in the shape plate rolled

Aerospace Aluminium 2014A | plate rolled

  • Material: Aluminum
  • Material chemically EN 573-3: Aerospace-Aluminium 2014A

An image of the material EN AW-5005A from the material Aluminum in the shape plate rolled

EN AW-5005A | plate rolled

  • Material: Aluminum
  • DIN: 3.3315
  • Material chemically EN 573-3: Al Mg1 (C)

Very suitable for decorative anodising for EQ,Very good corrosion resistance to a normal atmosphere,Good formability,Good welding properties