EN AW-2014
plate rolled

- Form plate rolled
- Material Aluminum
- Material EN AW-2014
- Material chemically EN 573-3 Aluminium Al Cu Si Mn
- DIN 3.1255

BIKAR Metals companies
Aviation | No |
Be (from) | 0 |
Be (to) | 0 |
Co (from) | 0 |
Co (to) | 0 |
Cr (to) | 0.1 |
Cu (from) | 3.9 |
Cu (to) | 5 |
Fe (to) | 0.7 |
Mg (from) | 0.2 |
Mg (to) | 0.8 |
Mn (from) | 0.4 |
Mn (to) | 1.2 |
Other | max. 0,05 |
Rest | Al |
Si (from) | 0.5 |
Si (to) | 1.2 |
Ti footnote reference | f) |
Ti (to) | 0.15 |
Total | max. 0,15 a) b) f) |
Zn (to) | 0.25 |
Zr footnote reference | f) |
a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse Zr + Ti max. 0,25
Normal atmosphere | 4 |
Seawater atmosphere | 4.5 |
Laser cutting | 4.5 |
Plasma cutting | 4.5 |
Sawing | 2 |
Shear cutting | 2 |
Waterjet cutting | 1 |
suitable according to DIN EN 602 | No |
Bending | 4 |
Deep drawing (conditional) | 4 |
Drop forging | 4 |
Extruding | 4 |
Open die forging | 4 |
Press | 4 |
Upsetting (Conditional) | 4 |
Heating time max. | 3 h |
Heating time min. | 0.5 h |
Annealing temperature max. | 420 °C |
Annealing temperature min. | 350 °C |
Cooling conditions | Ofenabkühlung mit = 30°C / Stunde bis 250°C im Ofen, unterhalb 250°C an Luft. (Mit Temperatur ist Metalltemperatur gemeint). Um eine gute Planheit nach dem Glühen zu erreichen ist zu empfehlen unter Belastung zu glühen. |
Cold ageing condition | Lagerung bei Raumtemperatur T3...; T4...., oder |
Cold ageing max. | 8 d |
Cold ageing min. | 5 d |
Heat ageing max. | 16 h |
Heat ageing min. | 24 h |
Heating temperature max. | 180 °C |
Heating temperature min. | 160 °C |
Quenching | Wasser bei Raumtemperatur |
Heating time max. | 3 h |
Heating time min. | 2 h |
Solution annealing max. | 505 °C |
Solution annealing min. | 495 °C |
dimensional stability | 3 |
Eroding | 1 |
hardened | 1 |
Material chemically EN 573-3 | Aluminium Al Cu Si Mn |
DIN | 3.1255 |
DIN (old designation) | AlCuSiMn |
France AFNOR | NF -A-U4SG |
Italy UNI | 9002/3 [P-AlCu4,4SiMnMg] |
Norway | 17105 [AlCu4SiMg] |
Spain | L-3130 [Al-4CuSiMg] |
Sweden | 144,338 |
United Kingdom BS | BS - H15 |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C | 22.5 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C | 23.4 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C | 24.4 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C | 20.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Density | 2.8 g/cm³ |
Electrical conductivity max. | 24 m/Ω*mm² |
Electrical conductivity min. | 21 m/Ω*mm² |
Specific heat | 880 J/(kg·K) |
Thermal conductivity max. | 200 W/m*K |
Thermal conductivity min. | 140 W/m*K |
Brazing | 5 |
Brazing with flux | 5 |
Soft soldering | 5 |
Soft soldering with flux | 5 |
Friction stir welding | 2 |
Friction welding | 2 |
Laser | 5 |
MIG | 5 |
Plasma | 5 |
Resistance spot welding | 2 |
TIG | 5 |
Aviation | No |
Aviation | No |
Be (from) | 0 |
Be (from) | 0 |
Be (to) | 0 |
Be (to) | 0 |
Co (from) | 0 |
Co (from) | 0 |
Co (to) | 0 |
Co (to) | 0 |
Cr (to) | 0.1 |
Cr (to) | 0.1 |
Cu (from) | 3.9 |
Cu (from) | 3.9 |
Cu (to) | 5 |
Cu (to) | 5 |
Fe (to) | 0.7 |
Fe (to) | 0.7 |
Mg (from) | 0.2 |
Mg (from) | 0.2 |
Mg (to) | 0.8 |
Mg (to) | 0.8 |
Mn (from) | 0.4 |
Mn (from) | 0.4 |
Mn (to) | 1.2 |
Mn (to) | 1.2 |
Other | max. 0,05 |
Other | max. 0,05 |
Rest | Al |
Rest | Al |
Si (from) | 0.5 |
Si (from) | 0.5 |
Si (to) | 1.2 |
Si (to) | 1.2 |
Ti footnote reference | f) |
Ti footnote reference | f) |
Ti (to) | 0.15 |
Ti (to) | 0.15 |
Total | max. 0,15 a) b) f) |
Total | max. 0,15 a) b) f) |
Zn (to) | 0.25 |
Zn (to) | 0.25 |
Zr footnote reference | f) |
Zr footnote reference | f) |
a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse Zr + Ti max. 0,25
Normal atmosphere | 4 |
Normal atmosphere | 4 |
Seawater atmosphere | 4.5 |
Seawater atmosphere | 4.5 |
Laser cutting | 4.5 |
Laser cutting | 4.5 |
Plasma cutting | 4.5 |
Plasma cutting | 4.5 |
Sawing | 2 |
Sawing | 2 |
Shear cutting | 2 |
Shear cutting | 2 |
Waterjet cutting | 1 |
Waterjet cutting | 1 |
suitable according to DIN EN 602 | No |
suitable according to DIN EN 602 | No |
Bending | 4 |
Bending | 4 |
Deep drawing (conditional) | 4 |
Deep drawing (conditional) | 4 |
Drop forging | 4 |
Drop forging | 4 |
Extruding | 4 |
Extruding | 4 |
Open die forging | 4 |
Open die forging | 4 |
Press | 4 |
Press | 4 |
Upsetting (Conditional) | 4 |
Upsetting (Conditional) | 4 |
Heating time max. | 3 h |
Heating time max. | 3 h |
Heating time min. | 0.5 h |
Heating time min. | 0.5 h |
Annealing temperature max. | 420 °C |
Annealing temperature max. | 420 °C |
Annealing temperature min. | 350 °C |
Annealing temperature min. | 350 °C |
Cooling conditions | Ofenabkühlung mit = 30°C / Stunde bis 250°C im Ofen, unterhalb 250°C an Luft. (Mit Temperatur ist Metalltemperatur gemeint). Um eine gute Planheit nach dem Glühen zu erreichen ist zu empfehlen unter Belastung zu glühen. |
Cooling conditions | Ofenabkühlung mit = 30°C / Stunde bis 250°C im Ofen, unterhalb 250°C an Luft. (Mit Temperatur ist Metalltemperatur gemeint). Um eine gute Planheit nach dem Glühen zu erreichen ist zu empfehlen unter Belastung zu glühen. |
Cold ageing condition | Lagerung bei Raumtemperatur T3...; T4...., oder |
Cold ageing condition | Lagerung bei Raumtemperatur T3...; T4...., oder |
Cold ageing max. | 8 d |
Cold ageing max. | 8 d |
Cold ageing min. | 5 d |
Cold ageing min. | 5 d |
Heat ageing max. | 16 h |
Heat ageing max. | 16 h |
Heat ageing min. | 24 h |
Heat ageing min. | 24 h |
Heating temperature max. | 180 °C |
Heating temperature max. | 180 °C |
Heating temperature min. | 160 °C |
Heating temperature min. | 160 °C |
Quenching | Wasser bei Raumtemperatur |
Quenching | Wasser bei Raumtemperatur |
Heating time max. | 3 h |
Heating time max. | 3 h |
Heating time min. | 2 h |
Heating time min. | 2 h |
Solution annealing max. | 505 °C |
Solution annealing max. | 505 °C |
Solution annealing min. | 495 °C |
Solution annealing min. | 495 °C |
dimensional stability | 3 |
dimensional stability | 3 |
Eroding | 1 |
Eroding | 1 |
hardened | 1 |
hardened | 1 |
Material chemically EN 573-3 | Aluminium Al Cu Si Mn |
Material chemically EN 573-3 | Aluminium Al Cu Si Mn |
DIN | 3.1255 |
DIN | 3.1255 |
DIN (old designation) | AlCuSiMn |
DIN (old designation) | AlCuSiMn |
France AFNOR | NF -A-U4SG |
France AFNOR | NF -A-U4SG |
Italy UNI | 9002/3 [P-AlCu4,4SiMnMg] |
Italy UNI | 9002/3 [P-AlCu4,4SiMnMg] |
Norway | 17105 [AlCu4SiMg] |
Norway | 17105 [AlCu4SiMg] |
Spain | L-3130 [Al-4CuSiMg] |
Spain | L-3130 [Al-4CuSiMg] |
Sweden | 144,338 |
Sweden | 144,338 |
United Kingdom BS | BS - H15 |
United Kingdom BS | BS - H15 |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C | 22.5 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C | 22.5 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C | 23.4 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C | 23.4 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C | 24.4 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C | 24.4 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C | 20.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C | 20.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Density | 2.8 g/cm³ |
Density | 2.8 g/cm³ |
Electrical conductivity max. | 24 m/Ω*mm² |
Electrical conductivity max. | 24 m/Ω*mm² |
Electrical conductivity min. | 21 m/Ω*mm² |
Electrical conductivity min. | 21 m/Ω*mm² |
Specific heat | 880 J/(kg·K) |
Specific heat | 880 J/(kg·K) |
Thermal conductivity max. | 200 W/m*K |
Thermal conductivity max. | 200 W/m*K |
Thermal conductivity min. | 140 W/m*K |
Thermal conductivity min. | 140 W/m*K |
Brazing | 5 |
Brazing | 5 |
Brazing with flux | 5 |
Brazing with flux | 5 |
Soft soldering | 5 |
Soft soldering | 5 |
Soft soldering with flux | 5 |
Soft soldering with flux | 5 |
Friction stir welding | 2 |
Friction stir welding | 2 |
Friction welding | 2 |
Friction welding | 2 |
Laser | 5 |
Laser | 5 |
MIG | 5 |
MIG | 5 |
Plasma | 5 |
Plasma | 5 |
Resistance spot welding | 2 |
Resistance spot welding | 2 |
TIG | 5 |
TIG | 5 |
Aviation | No |
Aviation | No |
Be (from) | 0 |
Be (from) | 0 |
Be (to) | 0 |
Be (to) | 0 |
Co (from) | 0 |
Co (from) | 0 |
Co (to) | 0 |
Co (to) | 0 |
Cr (to) | 0.1 |
Cr (to) | 0.1 |
Cu (from) | 3.9 |
Cu (from) | 3.9 |
Cu (to) | 5 |
Cu (to) | 5 |
Fe (to) | 0.7 |
Fe (to) | 0.7 |
Mg (from) | 0.2 |
Mg (from) | 0.2 |
Mg (to) | 0.8 |
Mg (to) | 0.8 |
Mn (from) | 0.4 |
Mn (from) | 0.4 |
Mn (to) | 1.2 |
Mn (to) | 1.2 |
Other | max. 0,05 |
Other | max. 0,05 |
Rest | Al |
Rest | Al |
Si (from) | 0.5 |
Si (from) | 0.5 |
Si (to) | 1.2 |
Si (to) | 1.2 |
Ti footnote reference | f) |
Ti footnote reference | f) |
Ti (to) | 0.15 |
Ti (to) | 0.15 |
Total | max. 0,15 a) b) f) |
Total | max. 0,15 a) b) f) |
Zn (to) | 0.25 |
Zn (to) | 0.25 |
Zr footnote reference | f) |
Zr footnote reference | f) |
a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse Zr + Ti max. 0,25
Normal atmosphere | 4 |
Normal atmosphere | 4 |
Seawater atmosphere | 4.5 |
Seawater atmosphere | 4.5 |
Laser cutting | 4.5 |
Laser cutting | 4.5 |
Plasma cutting | 4.5 |
Plasma cutting | 4.5 |
Sawing | 2 |
Sawing | 2 |
Shear cutting | 2 |
Shear cutting | 2 |
Waterjet cutting | 1 |
Waterjet cutting | 1 |
suitable according to DIN EN 602 | No |
suitable according to DIN EN 602 | No |
Bending | 4 |
Bending | 4 |
Deep drawing (conditional) | 4 |
Deep drawing (conditional) | 4 |
Drop forging | 4 |
Drop forging | 4 |
Extruding | 4 |
Extruding | 4 |
Open die forging | 4 |
Open die forging | 4 |
Press | 4 |
Press | 4 |
Upsetting (Conditional) | 4 |
Upsetting (Conditional) | 4 |
Heating time max. | 3 h |
Heating time max. | 3 h |
Heating time min. | 0.5 h |
Heating time min. | 0.5 h |
Annealing temperature max. | 420 °C |
Annealing temperature max. | 420 °C |
Annealing temperature min. | 350 °C |
Annealing temperature min. | 350 °C |
Cooling conditions | Ofenabkühlung mit = 30°C / Stunde bis 250°C im Ofen, unterhalb 250°C an Luft. (Mit Temperatur ist Metalltemperatur gemeint). Um eine gute Planheit nach dem Glühen zu erreichen ist zu empfehlen unter Belastung zu glühen. |
Cooling conditions | Ofenabkühlung mit = 30°C / Stunde bis 250°C im Ofen, unterhalb 250°C an Luft. (Mit Temperatur ist Metalltemperatur gemeint). Um eine gute Planheit nach dem Glühen zu erreichen ist zu empfehlen unter Belastung zu glühen. |
Cold ageing condition | Lagerung bei Raumtemperatur T3...; T4...., oder |
Cold ageing condition | Lagerung bei Raumtemperatur T3...; T4...., oder |
Cold ageing max. | 8 d |
Cold ageing max. | 8 d |
Cold ageing min. | 5 d |
Cold ageing min. | 5 d |
Heat ageing max. | 16 h |
Heat ageing max. | 16 h |
Heat ageing min. | 24 h |
Heat ageing min. | 24 h |
Heating temperature max. | 180 °C |
Heating temperature max. | 180 °C |
Heating temperature min. | 160 °C |
Heating temperature min. | 160 °C |
Quenching | Wasser bei Raumtemperatur |
Quenching | Wasser bei Raumtemperatur |
Heating time max. | 3 h |
Heating time max. | 3 h |
Heating time min. | 2 h |
Heating time min. | 2 h |
Solution annealing max. | 505 °C |
Solution annealing max. | 505 °C |
Solution annealing min. | 495 °C |
Solution annealing min. | 495 °C |
dimensional stability | 3 |
dimensional stability | 3 |
Eroding | 1 |
Eroding | 1 |
hardened | 1 |
hardened | 1 |
Material chemically EN 573-3 | Aluminium Al Cu Si Mn |
Material chemically EN 573-3 | Aluminium Al Cu Si Mn |
DIN | 3.1255 |
DIN | 3.1255 |
DIN (old designation) | AlCuSiMn |
DIN (old designation) | AlCuSiMn |
France AFNOR | NF -A-U4SG |
France AFNOR | NF -A-U4SG |
Italy UNI | 9002/3 [P-AlCu4,4SiMnMg] |
Italy UNI | 9002/3 [P-AlCu4,4SiMnMg] |
Norway | 17105 [AlCu4SiMg] |
Norway | 17105 [AlCu4SiMg] |
Spain | L-3130 [Al-4CuSiMg] |
Spain | L-3130 [Al-4CuSiMg] |
Sweden | 144,338 |
Sweden | 144,338 |
United Kingdom BS | BS - H15 |
United Kingdom BS | BS - H15 |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C | 22.5 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C | 22.5 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C | 23.4 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C | 23.4 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C | 24.4 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C | 24.4 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C | 20.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C | 20.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Density | 2.8 g/cm³ |
Density | 2.8 g/cm³ |
Electrical conductivity max. | 24 m/Ω*mm² |
Electrical conductivity max. | 24 m/Ω*mm² |
Electrical conductivity min. | 21 m/Ω*mm² |
Electrical conductivity min. | 21 m/Ω*mm² |
Specific heat | 880 J/(kg·K) |
Specific heat | 880 J/(kg·K) |
Thermal conductivity max. | 200 W/m*K |
Thermal conductivity max. | 200 W/m*K |
Thermal conductivity min. | 140 W/m*K |
Thermal conductivity min. | 140 W/m*K |
Brazing | 5 |
Brazing | 5 |
Brazing with flux | 5 |
Brazing with flux | 5 |
Soft soldering | 5 |
Soft soldering | 5 |
Soft soldering with flux | 5 |
Soft soldering with flux | 5 |
Friction stir welding | 2 |
Friction stir welding | 2 |
Friction welding | 2 |
Friction welding | 2 |
Laser | 5 |
Laser | 5 |
MIG | 5 |
MIG | 5 |
Plasma | 5 |
Plasma | 5 |
Resistance spot welding | 2 |
Resistance spot welding | 2 |
TIG | 5 |
TIG | 5 |
Aviation | No |
Aviation | No |
Be (from) | 0 |
Be (from) | 0 |
Be (to) | 0 |
Be (to) | 0 |
Co (from) | 0 |
Co (from) | 0 |
Co (to) | 0 |
Co (to) | 0 |
Cr (to) | 0.1 |
Cr (to) | 0.1 |
Cu (from) | 3.9 |
Cu (from) | 3.9 |
Cu (to) | 5 |
Cu (to) | 5 |
Fe (to) | 0.7 |
Fe (to) | 0.7 |
Mg (from) | 0.2 |
Mg (from) | 0.2 |
Mg (to) | 0.8 |
Mg (to) | 0.8 |
Mn (from) | 0.4 |
Mn (from) | 0.4 |
Mn (to) | 1.2 |
Mn (to) | 1.2 |
Other | max. 0,05 |
Other | max. 0,05 |
Rest | Al |
Rest | Al |
Si (from) | 0.5 |
Si (from) | 0.5 |
Si (to) | 1.2 |
Si (to) | 1.2 |
Ti footnote reference | f) |
Ti footnote reference | f) |
Ti (to) | 0.15 |
Ti (to) | 0.15 |
Total | max. 0,15 a) b) f) |
Total | max. 0,15 a) b) f) |
Zn (to) | 0.25 |
Zn (to) | 0.25 |
Zr footnote reference | f) |
Zr footnote reference | f) |
a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse Zr + Ti max. 0,25
Normal atmosphere | 4 |
Normal atmosphere | 4 |
Seawater atmosphere | 4.5 |
Seawater atmosphere | 4.5 |
Laser cutting | 4.5 |
Laser cutting | 4.5 |
Plasma cutting | 4.5 |
Plasma cutting | 4.5 |
Sawing | 2 |
Sawing | 2 |
Shear cutting | 2 |
Shear cutting | 2 |
Waterjet cutting | 1 |
Waterjet cutting | 1 |
suitable according to DIN EN 602 | No |
suitable according to DIN EN 602 | No |
Bending | 4 |
Bending | 4 |
Deep drawing (conditional) | 4 |
Deep drawing (conditional) | 4 |
Drop forging | 4 |
Drop forging | 4 |
Extruding | 4 |
Extruding | 4 |
Open die forging | 4 |
Open die forging | 4 |
Press | 4 |
Press | 4 |
Upsetting (Conditional) | 4 |
Upsetting (Conditional) | 4 |
Heating time max. | 3 h |
Heating time max. | 3 h |
Heating time min. | 0.5 h |
Heating time min. | 0.5 h |
Annealing temperature max. | 420 °C |
Annealing temperature max. | 420 °C |
Annealing temperature min. | 350 °C |
Annealing temperature min. | 350 °C |
Cooling conditions | Ofenabkühlung mit = 30°C / Stunde bis 250°C im Ofen, unterhalb 250°C an Luft. (Mit Temperatur ist Metalltemperatur gemeint). Um eine gute Planheit nach dem Glühen zu erreichen ist zu empfehlen unter Belastung zu glühen. |
Cooling conditions | Ofenabkühlung mit = 30°C / Stunde bis 250°C im Ofen, unterhalb 250°C an Luft. (Mit Temperatur ist Metalltemperatur gemeint). Um eine gute Planheit nach dem Glühen zu erreichen ist zu empfehlen unter Belastung zu glühen. |
Cold ageing condition | Lagerung bei Raumtemperatur T3...; T4...., oder |
Cold ageing condition | Lagerung bei Raumtemperatur T3...; T4...., oder |
Cold ageing max. | 8 d |
Cold ageing max. | 8 d |
Cold ageing min. | 5 d |
Cold ageing min. | 5 d |
Heat ageing max. | 16 h |
Heat ageing max. | 16 h |
Heat ageing min. | 24 h |
Heat ageing min. | 24 h |
Heating temperature max. | 180 °C |
Heating temperature max. | 180 °C |
Heating temperature min. | 160 °C |
Heating temperature min. | 160 °C |
Quenching | Wasser bei Raumtemperatur |
Quenching | Wasser bei Raumtemperatur |
Heating time max. | 3 h |
Heating time max. | 3 h |
Heating time min. | 2 h |
Heating time min. | 2 h |
Solution annealing max. | 505 °C |
Solution annealing max. | 505 °C |
Solution annealing min. | 495 °C |
Solution annealing min. | 495 °C |
dimensional stability | 3 |
dimensional stability | 3 |
Eroding | 1 |
Eroding | 1 |
hardened | 1 |
hardened | 1 |
Material chemically EN 573-3 | Aluminium Al Cu Si Mn |
Material chemically EN 573-3 | Aluminium Al Cu Si Mn |
DIN | 3.1255 |
DIN | 3.1255 |
DIN (old designation) | AlCuSiMn |
DIN (old designation) | AlCuSiMn |
France AFNOR | NF -A-U4SG |
France AFNOR | NF -A-U4SG |
Italy UNI | 9002/3 [P-AlCu4,4SiMnMg] |
Italy UNI | 9002/3 [P-AlCu4,4SiMnMg] |
Norway | 17105 [AlCu4SiMg] |
Norway | 17105 [AlCu4SiMg] |
Spain | L-3130 [Al-4CuSiMg] |
Spain | L-3130 [Al-4CuSiMg] |
Sweden | 144,338 |
Sweden | 144,338 |
United Kingdom BS | BS - H15 |
United Kingdom BS | BS - H15 |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C | 22.5 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C | 22.5 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C | 23.4 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C | 23.4 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C | 24.4 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C | 24.4 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C | 20.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C | 20.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Density | 2.8 g/cm³ |
Density | 2.8 g/cm³ |
Electrical conductivity max. | 24 m/Ω*mm² |
Electrical conductivity max. | 24 m/Ω*mm² |
Electrical conductivity min. | 21 m/Ω*mm² |
Electrical conductivity min. | 21 m/Ω*mm² |
Specific heat | 880 J/(kg·K) |
Specific heat | 880 J/(kg·K) |
Thermal conductivity max. | 200 W/m*K |
Thermal conductivity max. | 200 W/m*K |
Thermal conductivity min. | 140 W/m*K |
Thermal conductivity min. | 140 W/m*K |
Brazing | 5 |
Brazing | 5 |
Brazing with flux | 5 |
Brazing with flux | 5 |
Soft soldering | 5 |
Soft soldering | 5 |
Soft soldering with flux | 5 |
Soft soldering with flux | 5 |
Friction stir welding | 2 |
Friction stir welding | 2 |
Friction welding | 2 |
Friction welding | 2 |
Laser | 5 |
Laser | 5 |
MIG | 5 |
MIG | 5 |
Plasma | 5 |
Plasma | 5 |
Resistance spot welding | 2 |
Resistance spot welding | 2 |
TIG | 5 |
TIG | 5 |
Aviation | No |
Aviation | No |
Be (from) | 0 |
Be (from) | 0 |
Be (to) | 0 |
Be (to) | 0 |
Co (from) | 0 |
Co (from) | 0 |
Co (to) | 0 |
Co (to) | 0 |
Cr (to) | 0.1 |
Cr (to) | 0.1 |
Cu (from) | 3.9 |
Cu (from) | 3.9 |
Cu (to) | 5 |
Cu (to) | 5 |
Fe (to) | 0.7 |
Fe (to) | 0.7 |
Mg (from) | 0.2 |
Mg (from) | 0.2 |
Mg (to) | 0.8 |
Mg (to) | 0.8 |
Mn (from) | 0.4 |
Mn (from) | 0.4 |
Mn (to) | 1.2 |
Mn (to) | 1.2 |
Other | max. 0,05 |
Other | max. 0,05 |
Rest | Al |
Rest | Al |
Si (from) | 0.5 |
Si (from) | 0.5 |
Si (to) | 1.2 |
Si (to) | 1.2 |
Ti footnote reference | f) |
Ti footnote reference | f) |
Ti (to) | 0.15 |
Ti (to) | 0.15 |
Total | max. 0,15 a) b) f) |
Total | max. 0,15 a) b) f) |
Zn (to) | 0.25 |
Zn (to) | 0.25 |
Zr footnote reference | f) |
Zr footnote reference | f) |
a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse Zr + Ti max. 0,25
Normal atmosphere | 4 |
Normal atmosphere | 4 |
Seawater atmosphere | 4.5 |
Seawater atmosphere | 4.5 |
Laser cutting | 4.5 |
Laser cutting | 4.5 |
Plasma cutting | 4.5 |
Plasma cutting | 4.5 |
Sawing | 2 |
Sawing | 2 |
Shear cutting | 2 |
Shear cutting | 2 |
Waterjet cutting | 1 |
Waterjet cutting | 1 |
suitable according to DIN EN 602 | No |
suitable according to DIN EN 602 | No |
Bending | 4 |
Bending | 4 |
Deep drawing (conditional) | 4 |
Deep drawing (conditional) | 4 |
Drop forging | 4 |
Drop forging | 4 |
Extruding | 4 |
Extruding | 4 |
Open die forging | 4 |
Open die forging | 4 |
Press | 4 |
Press | 4 |
Upsetting (Conditional) | 4 |
Upsetting (Conditional) | 4 |
Heating time max. | 3 h |
Heating time max. | 3 h |
Heating time min. | 0.5 h |
Heating time min. | 0.5 h |
Annealing temperature max. | 420 °C |
Annealing temperature max. | 420 °C |
Annealing temperature min. | 350 °C |
Annealing temperature min. | 350 °C |
Cooling conditions | Ofenabkühlung mit = 30°C / Stunde bis 250°C im Ofen, unterhalb 250°C an Luft. (Mit Temperatur ist Metalltemperatur gemeint). Um eine gute Planheit nach dem Glühen zu erreichen ist zu empfehlen unter Belastung zu glühen. |
Cooling conditions | Ofenabkühlung mit = 30°C / Stunde bis 250°C im Ofen, unterhalb 250°C an Luft. (Mit Temperatur ist Metalltemperatur gemeint). Um eine gute Planheit nach dem Glühen zu erreichen ist zu empfehlen unter Belastung zu glühen. |
Cold ageing condition | Lagerung bei Raumtemperatur T3...; T4...., oder |
Cold ageing condition | Lagerung bei Raumtemperatur T3...; T4...., oder |
Cold ageing max. | 8 d |
Cold ageing max. | 8 d |
Cold ageing min. | 5 d |
Cold ageing min. | 5 d |
Heat ageing max. | 16 h |
Heat ageing max. | 16 h |
Heat ageing min. | 24 h |
Heat ageing min. | 24 h |
Heating temperature max. | 180 °C |
Heating temperature max. | 180 °C |
Heating temperature min. | 160 °C |
Heating temperature min. | 160 °C |
Quenching | Wasser bei Raumtemperatur |
Quenching | Wasser bei Raumtemperatur |
Heating time max. | 3 h |
Heating time max. | 3 h |
Heating time min. | 2 h |
Heating time min. | 2 h |
Solution annealing max. | 505 °C |
Solution annealing max. | 505 °C |
Solution annealing min. | 495 °C |
Solution annealing min. | 495 °C |
dimensional stability | 3 |
dimensional stability | 3 |
Eroding | 1 |
Eroding | 1 |
hardened | 1 |
hardened | 1 |
Material chemically EN 573-3 | Aluminium Al Cu Si Mn |
Material chemically EN 573-3 | Aluminium Al Cu Si Mn |
DIN | 3.1255 |
DIN | 3.1255 |
DIN (old designation) | AlCuSiMn |
DIN (old designation) | AlCuSiMn |
France AFNOR | NF -A-U4SG |
France AFNOR | NF -A-U4SG |
Italy UNI | 9002/3 [P-AlCu4,4SiMnMg] |
Italy UNI | 9002/3 [P-AlCu4,4SiMnMg] |
Norway | 17105 [AlCu4SiMg] |
Norway | 17105 [AlCu4SiMg] |
Spain | L-3130 [Al-4CuSiMg] |
Spain | L-3130 [Al-4CuSiMg] |
Sweden | 144,338 |
Sweden | 144,338 |
United Kingdom BS | BS - H15 |
United Kingdom BS | BS - H15 |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C | 22.5 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C | 22.5 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C | 23.4 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C | 23.4 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C | 24.4 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C | 24.4 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C | 20.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C | 20.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Density | 2.8 g/cm³ |
Density | 2.8 g/cm³ |
Electrical conductivity max. | 24 m/Ω*mm² |
Electrical conductivity max. | 24 m/Ω*mm² |
Electrical conductivity min. | 21 m/Ω*mm² |
Electrical conductivity min. | 21 m/Ω*mm² |
Specific heat | 880 J/(kg·K) |
Specific heat | 880 J/(kg·K) |
Thermal conductivity max. | 200 W/m*K |
Thermal conductivity max. | 200 W/m*K |
Thermal conductivity min. | 140 W/m*K |
Thermal conductivity min. | 140 W/m*K |
Brazing | 5 |
Brazing | 5 |
Brazing with flux | 5 |
Brazing with flux | 5 |
Soft soldering | 5 |
Soft soldering | 5 |
Soft soldering with flux | 5 |
Soft soldering with flux | 5 |
Friction stir welding | 2 |
Friction stir welding | 2 |
Friction welding | 2 |
Friction welding | 2 |
Laser | 5 |
Laser | 5 |
MIG | 5 |
MIG | 5 |
Plasma | 5 |
Plasma | 5 |
Resistance spot welding | 2 |
Resistance spot welding | 2 |
TIG | 5 |
TIG | 5 |
Aviation | No |
Aviation | No |
Be (from) | 0 |
Be (from) | 0 |
Be (to) | 0 |
Be (to) | 0 |
Co (from) | 0 |
Co (from) | 0 |
Co (to) | 0 |
Co (to) | 0 |
Cr (to) | 0.1 |
Cr (to) | 0.1 |
Cu (from) | 3.9 |
Cu (from) | 3.9 |
Cu (to) | 5 |
Cu (to) | 5 |
Fe (to) | 0.7 |
Fe (to) | 0.7 |
Mg (from) | 0.2 |
Mg (from) | 0.2 |
Mg (to) | 0.8 |
Mg (to) | 0.8 |
Mn (from) | 0.4 |
Mn (from) | 0.4 |
Mn (to) | 1.2 |
Mn (to) | 1.2 |
Other | max. 0,05 |
Other | max. 0,05 |
Rest | Al |
Rest | Al |
Si (from) | 0.5 |
Si (from) | 0.5 |
Si (to) | 1.2 |
Si (to) | 1.2 |
Ti footnote reference | f) |
Ti footnote reference | f) |
Ti (to) | 0.15 |
Ti (to) | 0.15 |
Total | max. 0,15 a) b) f) |
Total | max. 0,15 a) b) f) |
Zn (to) | 0.25 |
Zn (to) | 0.25 |
Zr footnote reference | f) |
Zr footnote reference | f) |
a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse Zr + Ti max. 0,25
Normal atmosphere | 4 |
Normal atmosphere | 4 |
Seawater atmosphere | 4.5 |
Seawater atmosphere | 4.5 |
Laser cutting | 4.5 |
Laser cutting | 4.5 |
Plasma cutting | 4.5 |
Plasma cutting | 4.5 |
Sawing | 2 |
Sawing | 2 |
Shear cutting | 2 |
Shear cutting | 2 |
Waterjet cutting | 1 |
Waterjet cutting | 1 |
suitable according to DIN EN 602 | No |
suitable according to DIN EN 602 | No |
Bending | 4 |
Bending | 4 |
Deep drawing (conditional) | 4 |
Deep drawing (conditional) | 4 |
Drop forging | 4 |
Drop forging | 4 |
Extruding | 4 |
Extruding | 4 |
Open die forging | 4 |
Open die forging | 4 |
Press | 4 |
Press | 4 |
Upsetting (Conditional) | 4 |
Upsetting (Conditional) | 4 |
Heating time max. | 3 h |
Heating time max. | 3 h |
Heating time min. | 0.5 h |
Heating time min. | 0.5 h |
Annealing temperature max. | 420 °C |
Annealing temperature max. | 420 °C |
Annealing temperature min. | 350 °C |
Annealing temperature min. | 350 °C |
Cooling conditions | Ofenabkühlung mit = 30°C / Stunde bis 250°C im Ofen, unterhalb 250°C an Luft. (Mit Temperatur ist Metalltemperatur gemeint). Um eine gute Planheit nach dem Glühen zu erreichen ist zu empfehlen unter Belastung zu glühen. |
Cooling conditions | Ofenabkühlung mit = 30°C / Stunde bis 250°C im Ofen, unterhalb 250°C an Luft. (Mit Temperatur ist Metalltemperatur gemeint). Um eine gute Planheit nach dem Glühen zu erreichen ist zu empfehlen unter Belastung zu glühen. |
Cold ageing condition | Lagerung bei Raumtemperatur T3...; T4...., oder |
Cold ageing condition | Lagerung bei Raumtemperatur T3...; T4...., oder |
Cold ageing max. | 8 d |
Cold ageing max. | 8 d |
Cold ageing min. | 5 d |
Cold ageing min. | 5 d |
Heat ageing max. | 16 h |
Heat ageing max. | 16 h |
Heat ageing min. | 24 h |
Heat ageing min. | 24 h |
Heating temperature max. | 180 °C |
Heating temperature max. | 180 °C |
Heating temperature min. | 160 °C |
Heating temperature min. | 160 °C |
Quenching | Wasser bei Raumtemperatur |
Quenching | Wasser bei Raumtemperatur |
Heating time max. | 3 h |
Heating time max. | 3 h |
Heating time min. | 2 h |
Heating time min. | 2 h |
Solution annealing max. | 505 °C |
Solution annealing max. | 505 °C |
Solution annealing min. | 495 °C |
Solution annealing min. | 495 °C |
dimensional stability | 3 |
dimensional stability | 3 |
Eroding | 1 |
Eroding | 1 |
hardened | 1 |
hardened | 1 |
Material chemically EN 573-3 | Aluminium Al Cu Si Mn |
Material chemically EN 573-3 | Aluminium Al Cu Si Mn |
DIN | 3.1255 |
DIN | 3.1255 |
DIN (old designation) | AlCuSiMn |
DIN (old designation) | AlCuSiMn |
France AFNOR | NF -A-U4SG |
France AFNOR | NF -A-U4SG |
Italy UNI | 9002/3 [P-AlCu4,4SiMnMg] |
Italy UNI | 9002/3 [P-AlCu4,4SiMnMg] |
Norway | 17105 [AlCu4SiMg] |
Norway | 17105 [AlCu4SiMg] |
Spain | L-3130 [Al-4CuSiMg] |
Spain | L-3130 [Al-4CuSiMg] |
Sweden | 144,338 |
Sweden | 144,338 |
United Kingdom BS | BS - H15 |
United Kingdom BS | BS - H15 |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C | 22.5 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C | 22.5 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C | 23.4 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C | 23.4 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C | 24.4 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C | 24.4 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C | 20.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C | 20.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Density | 2.8 g/cm³ |
Density | 2.8 g/cm³ |
Electrical conductivity max. | 24 m/Ω*mm² |
Electrical conductivity max. | 24 m/Ω*mm² |
Electrical conductivity min. | 21 m/Ω*mm² |
Electrical conductivity min. | 21 m/Ω*mm² |
Specific heat | 880 J/(kg·K) |
Specific heat | 880 J/(kg·K) |
Thermal conductivity max. | 200 W/m*K |
Thermal conductivity max. | 200 W/m*K |
Thermal conductivity min. | 140 W/m*K |
Thermal conductivity min. | 140 W/m*K |
Brazing | 5 |
Brazing | 5 |
Brazing with flux | 5 |
Brazing with flux | 5 |
Soft soldering | 5 |
Soft soldering | 5 |
Soft soldering with flux | 5 |
Soft soldering with flux | 5 |
Friction stir welding | 2 |
Friction stir welding | 2 |
Friction welding | 2 |
Friction welding | 2 |
Laser | 5 |
Laser | 5 |
MIG | 5 |
MIG | 5 |
Plasma | 5 |
Plasma | 5 |
Resistance spot welding | 2 |
Resistance spot welding | 2 |
TIG | 5 |
TIG | 5 |
Aviation | No |
Aviation | No |
Be (from) | 0 |
Be (from) | 0 |
Be (to) | 0 |
Be (to) | 0 |
Co (from) | 0 |
Co (from) | 0 |
Co (to) | 0 |
Co (to) | 0 |
Cr (to) | 0.1 |
Cr (to) | 0.1 |
Cu (from) | 3.9 |
Cu (from) | 3.9 |
Cu (to) | 5 |
Cu (to) | 5 |
Fe (to) | 0.7 |
Fe (to) | 0.7 |
Mg (from) | 0.2 |
Mg (from) | 0.2 |
Mg (to) | 0.8 |
Mg (to) | 0.8 |
Mn (from) | 0.4 |
Mn (from) | 0.4 |
Mn (to) | 1.2 |
Mn (to) | 1.2 |
Other | max. 0,05 |
Other | max. 0,05 |
Rest | Al |
Rest | Al |
Si (from) | 0.5 |
Si (from) | 0.5 |
Si (to) | 1.2 |
Si (to) | 1.2 |
Ti footnote reference | f) |
Ti footnote reference | f) |
Ti (to) | 0.15 |
Ti (to) | 0.15 |
Total | max. 0,15 a) b) f) |
Total | max. 0,15 a) b) f) |
Zn (to) | 0.25 |
Zn (to) | 0.25 |
Zr footnote reference | f) |
Zr footnote reference | f) |
a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse Zr + Ti max. 0,25
Normal atmosphere | 4 |
Normal atmosphere | 4 |
Seawater atmosphere | 4.5 |
Seawater atmosphere | 4.5 |
Laser cutting | 4.5 |
Laser cutting | 4.5 |
Plasma cutting | 4.5 |
Plasma cutting | 4.5 |
Sawing | 2 |
Sawing | 2 |
Shear cutting | 2 |
Shear cutting | 2 |
Waterjet cutting | 1 |
Waterjet cutting | 1 |
suitable according to DIN EN 602 | No |
suitable according to DIN EN 602 | No |
Bending | 4 |
Bending | 4 |
Deep drawing (conditional) | 4 |
Deep drawing (conditional) | 4 |
Drop forging | 4 |
Drop forging | 4 |
Extruding | 4 |
Extruding | 4 |
Open die forging | 4 |
Open die forging | 4 |
Press | 4 |
Press | 4 |
Upsetting (Conditional) | 4 |
Upsetting (Conditional) | 4 |
Heating time max. | 3 h |
Heating time max. | 3 h |
Heating time min. | 0.5 h |
Heating time min. | 0.5 h |
Annealing temperature max. | 420 °C |
Annealing temperature max. | 420 °C |
Annealing temperature min. | 350 °C |
Annealing temperature min. | 350 °C |
Cooling conditions | Ofenabkühlung mit = 30°C / Stunde bis 250°C im Ofen, unterhalb 250°C an Luft. (Mit Temperatur ist Metalltemperatur gemeint). Um eine gute Planheit nach dem Glühen zu erreichen ist zu empfehlen unter Belastung zu glühen. |
Cooling conditions | Ofenabkühlung mit = 30°C / Stunde bis 250°C im Ofen, unterhalb 250°C an Luft. (Mit Temperatur ist Metalltemperatur gemeint). Um eine gute Planheit nach dem Glühen zu erreichen ist zu empfehlen unter Belastung zu glühen. |
Cold ageing condition | Lagerung bei Raumtemperatur T3...; T4...., oder |
Cold ageing condition | Lagerung bei Raumtemperatur T3...; T4...., oder |
Cold ageing max. | 8 d |
Cold ageing max. | 8 d |
Cold ageing min. | 5 d |
Cold ageing min. | 5 d |
Heat ageing max. | 16 h |
Heat ageing max. | 16 h |
Heat ageing min. | 24 h |
Heat ageing min. | 24 h |
Heating temperature max. | 180 °C |
Heating temperature max. | 180 °C |
Heating temperature min. | 160 °C |
Heating temperature min. | 160 °C |
Quenching | Wasser bei Raumtemperatur |
Quenching | Wasser bei Raumtemperatur |
Heating time max. | 3 h |
Heating time max. | 3 h |
Heating time min. | 2 h |
Heating time min. | 2 h |
Solution annealing max. | 505 °C |
Solution annealing max. | 505 °C |
Solution annealing min. | 495 °C |
Solution annealing min. | 495 °C |
dimensional stability | 3 |
dimensional stability | 3 |
Eroding | 1 |
Eroding | 1 |
hardened | 1 |
hardened | 1 |
Material chemically EN 573-3 | Aluminium Al Cu Si Mn |
Material chemically EN 573-3 | Aluminium Al Cu Si Mn |
DIN | 3.1255 |
DIN | 3.1255 |
DIN (old designation) | AlCuSiMn |
DIN (old designation) | AlCuSiMn |
France AFNOR | NF -A-U4SG |
France AFNOR | NF -A-U4SG |
Italy UNI | 9002/3 [P-AlCu4,4SiMnMg] |
Italy UNI | 9002/3 [P-AlCu4,4SiMnMg] |
Norway | 17105 [AlCu4SiMg] |
Norway | 17105 [AlCu4SiMg] |
Spain | L-3130 [Al-4CuSiMg] |
Spain | L-3130 [Al-4CuSiMg] |
Sweden | 144,338 |
Sweden | 144,338 |
United Kingdom BS | BS - H15 |
United Kingdom BS | BS - H15 |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C | 22.5 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C | 22.5 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C | 23.4 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C | 23.4 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C | 24.4 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C | 24.4 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C | 20.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C | 20.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Density | 2.8 g/cm³ |
Density | 2.8 g/cm³ |
Electrical conductivity max. | 24 m/Ω*mm² |
Electrical conductivity max. | 24 m/Ω*mm² |
Electrical conductivity min. | 21 m/Ω*mm² |
Electrical conductivity min. | 21 m/Ω*mm² |
Specific heat | 880 J/(kg·K) |
Specific heat | 880 J/(kg·K) |
Thermal conductivity max. | 200 W/m*K |
Thermal conductivity max. | 200 W/m*K |
Thermal conductivity min. | 140 W/m*K |
Thermal conductivity min. | 140 W/m*K |
Brazing | 5 |
Brazing | 5 |
Brazing with flux | 5 |
Brazing with flux | 5 |
Soft soldering | 5 |
Soft soldering | 5 |
Soft soldering with flux | 5 |
Soft soldering with flux | 5 |
Friction stir welding | 2 |
Friction stir welding | 2 |
Friction welding | 2 |
Friction welding | 2 |
Laser | 5 |
Laser | 5 |
MIG | 5 |
MIG | 5 |
Plasma | 5 |
Plasma | 5 |
Resistance spot welding | 2 |
Resistance spot welding | 2 |
TIG | 5 |
TIG | 5 |
Aviation | No |
Aviation | No |
Be (from) | 0 |
Be (from) | 0 |
Be (to) | 0 |
Be (to) | 0 |
Co (from) | 0 |
Co (from) | 0 |
Co (to) | 0 |
Co (to) | 0 |
Cr (to) | 0.1 |
Cr (to) | 0.1 |
Cu (from) | 3.9 |
Cu (from) | 3.9 |
Cu (to) | 5 |
Cu (to) | 5 |
Fe (to) | 0.7 |
Fe (to) | 0.7 |
Mg (from) | 0.2 |
Mg (from) | 0.2 |
Mg (to) | 0.8 |
Mg (to) | 0.8 |
Mn (from) | 0.4 |
Mn (from) | 0.4 |
Mn (to) | 1.2 |
Mn (to) | 1.2 |
Other | max. 0,05 |
Other | max. 0,05 |
Rest | Al |
Rest | Al |
Si (from) | 0.5 |
Si (from) | 0.5 |
Si (to) | 1.2 |
Si (to) | 1.2 |
Ti footnote reference | f) |
Ti footnote reference | f) |
Ti (to) | 0.15 |
Ti (to) | 0.15 |
Total | max. 0,15 a) b) f) |
Total | max. 0,15 a) b) f) |
Zn (to) | 0.25 |
Zn (to) | 0.25 |
Zr footnote reference | f) |
Zr footnote reference | f) |
a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse Zr + Ti max. 0,25
Normal atmosphere | 4 |
Normal atmosphere | 4 |
Seawater atmosphere | 4.5 |
Seawater atmosphere | 4.5 |
Laser cutting | 4.5 |
Laser cutting | 4.5 |
Plasma cutting | 4.5 |
Plasma cutting | 4.5 |
Sawing | 2 |
Sawing | 2 |
Shear cutting | 2 |
Shear cutting | 2 |
Waterjet cutting | 1 |
Waterjet cutting | 1 |
suitable according to DIN EN 602 | No |
suitable according to DIN EN 602 | No |
Bending | 4 |
Bending | 4 |
Deep drawing (conditional) | 4 |
Deep drawing (conditional) | 4 |
Drop forging | 4 |
Drop forging | 4 |
Extruding | 4 |
Extruding | 4 |
Open die forging | 4 |
Open die forging | 4 |
Press | 4 |
Press | 4 |
Upsetting (Conditional) | 4 |
Upsetting (Conditional) | 4 |
Heating time max. | 3 h |
Heating time max. | 3 h |
Heating time min. | 0.5 h |
Heating time min. | 0.5 h |
Annealing temperature max. | 420 °C |
Annealing temperature max. | 420 °C |
Annealing temperature min. | 350 °C |
Annealing temperature min. | 350 °C |
Cooling conditions | Ofenabkühlung mit = 30°C / Stunde bis 250°C im Ofen, unterhalb 250°C an Luft. (Mit Temperatur ist Metalltemperatur gemeint). Um eine gute Planheit nach dem Glühen zu erreichen ist zu empfehlen unter Belastung zu glühen. |
Cooling conditions | Ofenabkühlung mit = 30°C / Stunde bis 250°C im Ofen, unterhalb 250°C an Luft. (Mit Temperatur ist Metalltemperatur gemeint). Um eine gute Planheit nach dem Glühen zu erreichen ist zu empfehlen unter Belastung zu glühen. |
Cold ageing condition | Lagerung bei Raumtemperatur T3...; T4...., oder |
Cold ageing condition | Lagerung bei Raumtemperatur T3...; T4...., oder |
Cold ageing max. | 8 d |
Cold ageing max. | 8 d |
Cold ageing min. | 5 d |
Cold ageing min. | 5 d |
Heat ageing max. | 16 h |
Heat ageing max. | 16 h |
Heat ageing min. | 24 h |
Heat ageing min. | 24 h |
Heating temperature max. | 180 °C |
Heating temperature max. | 180 °C |
Heating temperature min. | 160 °C |
Heating temperature min. | 160 °C |
Quenching | Wasser bei Raumtemperatur |
Quenching | Wasser bei Raumtemperatur |
Heating time max. | 3 h |
Heating time max. | 3 h |
Heating time min. | 2 h |
Heating time min. | 2 h |
Solution annealing max. | 505 °C |
Solution annealing max. | 505 °C |
Solution annealing min. | 495 °C |
Solution annealing min. | 495 °C |
dimensional stability | 3 |
dimensional stability | 3 |
Eroding | 1 |
Eroding | 1 |
hardened | 1 |
hardened | 1 |
Material chemically EN 573-3 | Aluminium Al Cu Si Mn |
Material chemically EN 573-3 | Aluminium Al Cu Si Mn |
DIN | 3.1255 |
DIN | 3.1255 |
DIN (old designation) | AlCuSiMn |
DIN (old designation) | AlCuSiMn |
France AFNOR | NF -A-U4SG |
France AFNOR | NF -A-U4SG |
Italy UNI | 9002/3 [P-AlCu4,4SiMnMg] |
Italy UNI | 9002/3 [P-AlCu4,4SiMnMg] |
Norway | 17105 [AlCu4SiMg] |
Norway | 17105 [AlCu4SiMg] |
Spain | L-3130 [Al-4CuSiMg] |
Spain | L-3130 [Al-4CuSiMg] |
Sweden | 144,338 |
Sweden | 144,338 |
United Kingdom BS | BS - H15 |
United Kingdom BS | BS - H15 |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C | 22.5 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C | 22.5 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C | 23.4 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C | 23.4 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C | 24.4 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C | 24.4 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C | 20.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C | 20.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Density | 2.8 g/cm³ |
Density | 2.8 g/cm³ |
Electrical conductivity max. | 24 m/Ω*mm² |
Electrical conductivity max. | 24 m/Ω*mm² |
Electrical conductivity min. | 21 m/Ω*mm² |
Electrical conductivity min. | 21 m/Ω*mm² |
Specific heat | 880 J/(kg·K) |
Specific heat | 880 J/(kg·K) |
Thermal conductivity max. | 200 W/m*K |
Thermal conductivity max. | 200 W/m*K |
Thermal conductivity min. | 140 W/m*K |
Thermal conductivity min. | 140 W/m*K |
Brazing | 5 |
Brazing | 5 |
Brazing with flux | 5 |
Brazing with flux | 5 |
Soft soldering | 5 |
Soft soldering | 5 |
Soft soldering with flux | 5 |
Soft soldering with flux | 5 |
Friction stir welding | 2 |
Friction stir welding | 2 |
Friction welding | 2 |
Friction welding | 2 |
Laser | 5 |
Laser | 5 |
MIG | 5 |
MIG | 5 |
Plasma | 5 |
Plasma | 5 |
Resistance spot welding | 2 |
Resistance spot welding | 2 |
TIG | 5 |
TIG | 5 |
Aviation | No |
Aviation | No |
Be (from) | 0 |
Be (from) | 0 |
Be (to) | 0 |
Be (to) | 0 |
Co (from) | 0 |
Co (from) | 0 |
Co (to) | 0 |
Co (to) | 0 |
Cr (to) | 0.1 |
Cr (to) | 0.1 |
Cu (from) | 3.9 |
Cu (from) | 3.9 |
Cu (to) | 5 |
Cu (to) | 5 |
Fe (to) | 0.7 |
Fe (to) | 0.7 |
Mg (from) | 0.2 |
Mg (from) | 0.2 |
Mg (to) | 0.8 |
Mg (to) | 0.8 |
Mn (from) | 0.4 |
Mn (from) | 0.4 |
Mn (to) | 1.2 |
Mn (to) | 1.2 |
Other | max. 0,05 |
Other | max. 0,05 |
Rest | Al |
Rest | Al |
Si (from) | 0.5 |
Si (from) | 0.5 |
Si (to) | 1.2 |
Si (to) | 1.2 |
Ti footnote reference | f) |
Ti footnote reference | f) |
Ti (to) | 0.15 |
Ti (to) | 0.15 |
Total | max. 0,15 a) b) f) |
Total | max. 0,15 a) b) f) |
Zn (to) | 0.25 |
Zn (to) | 0.25 |
Zr footnote reference | f) |
Zr footnote reference | f) |
a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse Zr + Ti max. 0,25
Normal atmosphere | 4 |
Normal atmosphere | 4 |
Seawater atmosphere | 4.5 |
Seawater atmosphere | 4.5 |
Laser cutting | 4.5 |
Laser cutting | 4.5 |
Plasma cutting | 4.5 |
Plasma cutting | 4.5 |
Sawing | 2 |
Sawing | 2 |
Shear cutting | 2 |
Shear cutting | 2 |
Waterjet cutting | 1 |
Waterjet cutting | 1 |
suitable according to DIN EN 602 | No |
suitable according to DIN EN 602 | No |
Bending | 4 |
Bending | 4 |
Deep drawing (conditional) | 4 |
Deep drawing (conditional) | 4 |
Drop forging | 4 |
Drop forging | 4 |
Extruding | 4 |
Extruding | 4 |
Open die forging | 4 |
Open die forging | 4 |
Press | 4 |
Press | 4 |
Upsetting (Conditional) | 4 |
Upsetting (Conditional) | 4 |
Heating time max. | 3 h |
Heating time max. | 3 h |
Heating time min. | 0.5 h |
Heating time min. | 0.5 h |
Annealing temperature max. | 420 °C |
Annealing temperature max. | 420 °C |
Annealing temperature min. | 350 °C |
Annealing temperature min. | 350 °C |
Cooling conditions | Ofenabkühlung mit = 30°C / Stunde bis 250°C im Ofen, unterhalb 250°C an Luft. (Mit Temperatur ist Metalltemperatur gemeint). Um eine gute Planheit nach dem Glühen zu erreichen ist zu empfehlen unter Belastung zu glühen. |
Cooling conditions | Ofenabkühlung mit = 30°C / Stunde bis 250°C im Ofen, unterhalb 250°C an Luft. (Mit Temperatur ist Metalltemperatur gemeint). Um eine gute Planheit nach dem Glühen zu erreichen ist zu empfehlen unter Belastung zu glühen. |
Cold ageing condition | Lagerung bei Raumtemperatur T3...; T4...., oder |
Cold ageing condition | Lagerung bei Raumtemperatur T3...; T4...., oder |
Cold ageing max. | 8 d |
Cold ageing max. | 8 d |
Cold ageing min. | 5 d |
Cold ageing min. | 5 d |
Heat ageing max. | 16 h |
Heat ageing max. | 16 h |
Heat ageing min. | 24 h |
Heat ageing min. | 24 h |
Heating temperature max. | 180 °C |
Heating temperature max. | 180 °C |
Heating temperature min. | 160 °C |
Heating temperature min. | 160 °C |
Quenching | Wasser bei Raumtemperatur |
Quenching | Wasser bei Raumtemperatur |
Heating time max. | 3 h |
Heating time max. | 3 h |
Heating time min. | 2 h |
Heating time min. | 2 h |
Solution annealing max. | 505 °C |
Solution annealing max. | 505 °C |
Solution annealing min. | 495 °C |
Solution annealing min. | 495 °C |
dimensional stability | 3 |
dimensional stability | 3 |
Eroding | 1 |
Eroding | 1 |
hardened | 1 |
hardened | 1 |
Material chemically EN 573-3 | Aluminium Al Cu Si Mn |
Material chemically EN 573-3 | Aluminium Al Cu Si Mn |
DIN | 3.1255 |
DIN | 3.1255 |
DIN (old designation) | AlCuSiMn |
DIN (old designation) | AlCuSiMn |
France AFNOR | NF -A-U4SG |
France AFNOR | NF -A-U4SG |
Italy UNI | 9002/3 [P-AlCu4,4SiMnMg] |
Italy UNI | 9002/3 [P-AlCu4,4SiMnMg] |
Norway | 17105 [AlCu4SiMg] |
Norway | 17105 [AlCu4SiMg] |
Spain | L-3130 [Al-4CuSiMg] |
Spain | L-3130 [Al-4CuSiMg] |
Sweden | 144,338 |
Sweden | 144,338 |
United Kingdom BS | BS - H15 |
United Kingdom BS | BS - H15 |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C | 22.5 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C | 22.5 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C | 23.4 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C | 23.4 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C | 24.4 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C | 24.4 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C | 20.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C | 20.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Density | 2.8 g/cm³ |
Density | 2.8 g/cm³ |
Electrical conductivity max. | 24 m/Ω*mm² |
Electrical conductivity max. | 24 m/Ω*mm² |
Electrical conductivity min. | 21 m/Ω*mm² |
Electrical conductivity min. | 21 m/Ω*mm² |
Specific heat | 880 J/(kg·K) |
Specific heat | 880 J/(kg·K) |
Thermal conductivity max. | 200 W/m*K |
Thermal conductivity max. | 200 W/m*K |
Thermal conductivity min. | 140 W/m*K |
Thermal conductivity min. | 140 W/m*K |
Brazing | 5 |
Brazing | 5 |
Brazing with flux | 5 |
Brazing with flux | 5 |
Soft soldering | 5 |
Soft soldering | 5 |
Soft soldering with flux | 5 |
Soft soldering with flux | 5 |
Friction stir welding | 2 |
Friction stir welding | 2 |
Friction welding | 2 |
Friction welding | 2 |
Laser | 5 |
Laser | 5 |
MIG | 5 |
MIG | 5 |
Plasma | 5 |
Plasma | 5 |
Resistance spot welding | 2 |
Resistance spot welding | 2 |
TIG | 5 |
TIG | 5 |
Aviation | No |
Aviation | No |
Be (from) | 0 |
Be (from) | 0 |
Be (to) | 0 |
Be (to) | 0 |
Co (from) | 0 |
Co (from) | 0 |
Co (to) | 0 |
Co (to) | 0 |
Cr (to) | 0.1 |
Cr (to) | 0.1 |
Cu (from) | 3.9 |
Cu (from) | 3.9 |
Cu (to) | 5 |
Cu (to) | 5 |
Fe (to) | 0.7 |
Fe (to) | 0.7 |
Mg (from) | 0.2 |
Mg (from) | 0.2 |
Mg (to) | 0.8 |
Mg (to) | 0.8 |
Mn (from) | 0.4 |
Mn (from) | 0.4 |
Mn (to) | 1.2 |
Mn (to) | 1.2 |
Other | max. 0,05 |
Other | max. 0,05 |
Rest | Al |
Rest | Al |
Si (from) | 0.5 |
Si (from) | 0.5 |
Si (to) | 1.2 |
Si (to) | 1.2 |
Ti footnote reference | f) |
Ti footnote reference | f) |
Ti (to) | 0.15 |
Ti (to) | 0.15 |
Total | max. 0,15 a) b) f) |
Total | max. 0,15 a) b) f) |
Zn (to) | 0.25 |
Zn (to) | 0.25 |
Zr footnote reference | f) |
Zr footnote reference | f) |
a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse Zr + Ti max. 0,25
Normal atmosphere | 4 |
Normal atmosphere | 4 |
Seawater atmosphere | 4.5 |
Seawater atmosphere | 4.5 |
Laser cutting | 4.5 |
Laser cutting | 4.5 |
Plasma cutting | 4.5 |
Plasma cutting | 4.5 |
Sawing | 2 |
Sawing | 2 |
Shear cutting | 2 |
Shear cutting | 2 |
Waterjet cutting | 1 |
Waterjet cutting | 1 |
suitable according to DIN EN 602 | No |
suitable according to DIN EN 602 | No |
Bending | 4 |
Bending | 4 |
Deep drawing (conditional) | 4 |
Deep drawing (conditional) | 4 |
Drop forging | 4 |
Drop forging | 4 |
Extruding | 4 |
Extruding | 4 |
Open die forging | 4 |
Open die forging | 4 |
Press | 4 |
Press | 4 |
Upsetting (Conditional) | 4 |
Upsetting (Conditional) | 4 |
Heating time max. | 3 h |
Heating time max. | 3 h |
Heating time min. | 0.5 h |
Heating time min. | 0.5 h |
Annealing temperature max. | 420 °C |
Annealing temperature max. | 420 °C |
Annealing temperature min. | 350 °C |
Annealing temperature min. | 350 °C |
Cooling conditions | Ofenabkühlung mit = 30°C / Stunde bis 250°C im Ofen, unterhalb 250°C an Luft. (Mit Temperatur ist Metalltemperatur gemeint). Um eine gute Planheit nach dem Glühen zu erreichen ist zu empfehlen unter Belastung zu glühen. |
Cooling conditions | Ofenabkühlung mit = 30°C / Stunde bis 250°C im Ofen, unterhalb 250°C an Luft. (Mit Temperatur ist Metalltemperatur gemeint). Um eine gute Planheit nach dem Glühen zu erreichen ist zu empfehlen unter Belastung zu glühen. |
Cold ageing condition | Lagerung bei Raumtemperatur T3...; T4...., oder |
Cold ageing condition | Lagerung bei Raumtemperatur T3...; T4...., oder |
Cold ageing max. | 8 d |
Cold ageing max. | 8 d |
Cold ageing min. | 5 d |
Cold ageing min. | 5 d |
Heat ageing max. | 16 h |
Heat ageing max. | 16 h |
Heat ageing min. | 24 h |
Heat ageing min. | 24 h |
Heating temperature max. | 180 °C |
Heating temperature max. | 180 °C |
Heating temperature min. | 160 °C |
Heating temperature min. | 160 °C |
Quenching | Wasser bei Raumtemperatur |
Quenching | Wasser bei Raumtemperatur |
Heating time max. | 3 h |
Heating time max. | 3 h |
Heating time min. | 2 h |
Heating time min. | 2 h |
Solution annealing max. | 505 °C |
Solution annealing max. | 505 °C |
Solution annealing min. | 495 °C |
Solution annealing min. | 495 °C |
dimensional stability | 3 |
dimensional stability | 3 |
Eroding | 1 |
Eroding | 1 |
hardened | 1 |
hardened | 1 |
Material chemically EN 573-3 | Aluminium Al Cu Si Mn |
Material chemically EN 573-3 | Aluminium Al Cu Si Mn |
DIN | 3.1255 |
DIN | 3.1255 |
DIN (old designation) | AlCuSiMn |
DIN (old designation) | AlCuSiMn |
France AFNOR | NF -A-U4SG |
France AFNOR | NF -A-U4SG |
Italy UNI | 9002/3 [P-AlCu4,4SiMnMg] |
Italy UNI | 9002/3 [P-AlCu4,4SiMnMg] |
Norway | 17105 [AlCu4SiMg] |
Norway | 17105 [AlCu4SiMg] |
Spain | L-3130 [Al-4CuSiMg] |
Spain | L-3130 [Al-4CuSiMg] |
Sweden | 144,338 |
Sweden | 144,338 |
United Kingdom BS | BS - H15 |
United Kingdom BS | BS - H15 |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C | 22.5 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C | 22.5 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C | 23.4 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C | 23.4 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C | 24.4 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C | 24.4 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C | 20.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C | 20.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Density | 2.8 g/cm³ |
Density | 2.8 g/cm³ |
Electrical conductivity max. | 24 m/Ω*mm² |
Electrical conductivity max. | 24 m/Ω*mm² |
Electrical conductivity min. | 21 m/Ω*mm² |
Electrical conductivity min. | 21 m/Ω*mm² |
Specific heat | 880 J/(kg·K) |
Specific heat | 880 J/(kg·K) |
Thermal conductivity max. | 200 W/m*K |
Thermal conductivity max. | 200 W/m*K |
Thermal conductivity min. | 140 W/m*K |
Thermal conductivity min. | 140 W/m*K |
Brazing | 5 |
Brazing | 5 |
Brazing with flux | 5 |
Brazing with flux | 5 |
Soft soldering | 5 |
Soft soldering | 5 |
Soft soldering with flux | 5 |
Soft soldering with flux | 5 |
Friction stir welding | 2 |
Friction stir welding | 2 |
Friction welding | 2 |
Friction welding | 2 |
Laser | 5 |
Laser | 5 |
MIG | 5 |
MIG | 5 |
Plasma | 5 |
Plasma | 5 |
Resistance spot welding | 2 |
Resistance spot welding | 2 |
TIG | 5 |
TIG | 5 |
Aviation | No |
Aviation | No |
Be (from) | 0 |
Be (from) | 0 |
Be (to) | 0 |
Be (to) | 0 |
Co (from) | 0 |
Co (from) | 0 |
Co (to) | 0 |
Co (to) | 0 |
Cr (to) | 0.1 |
Cr (to) | 0.1 |
Cu (from) | 3.9 |
Cu (from) | 3.9 |
Cu (to) | 5 |
Cu (to) | 5 |
Fe (to) | 0.7 |
Fe (to) | 0.7 |
Mg (from) | 0.2 |
Mg (from) | 0.2 |
Mg (to) | 0.8 |
Mg (to) | 0.8 |
Mn (from) | 0.4 |
Mn (from) | 0.4 |
Mn (to) | 1.2 |
Mn (to) | 1.2 |
Other | max. 0,05 |
Other | max. 0,05 |
Rest | Al |
Rest | Al |
Si (from) | 0.5 |
Si (from) | 0.5 |
Si (to) | 1.2 |
Si (to) | 1.2 |
Ti footnote reference | f) |
Ti footnote reference | f) |
Ti (to) | 0.15 |
Ti (to) | 0.15 |
Total | max. 0,15 a) b) f) |
Total | max. 0,15 a) b) f) |
Zn (to) | 0.25 |
Zn (to) | 0.25 |
Zr footnote reference | f) |
Zr footnote reference | f) |
a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse Zr + Ti max. 0,25
Normal atmosphere | 4 |
Normal atmosphere | 4 |
Seawater atmosphere | 4.5 |
Seawater atmosphere | 4.5 |
Laser cutting | 4.5 |
Laser cutting | 4.5 |
Plasma cutting | 4.5 |
Plasma cutting | 4.5 |
Sawing | 2 |
Sawing | 2 |
Shear cutting | 2 |
Shear cutting | 2 |
Waterjet cutting | 1 |
Waterjet cutting | 1 |
suitable according to DIN EN 602 | No |
suitable according to DIN EN 602 | No |
Bending | 4 |
Bending | 4 |
Deep drawing (conditional) | 4 |
Deep drawing (conditional) | 4 |
Drop forging | 4 |
Drop forging | 4 |
Extruding | 4 |
Extruding | 4 |
Open die forging | 4 |
Open die forging | 4 |
Press | 4 |
Press | 4 |
Upsetting (Conditional) | 4 |
Upsetting (Conditional) | 4 |
Heating time max. | 3 h |
Heating time max. | 3 h |
Heating time min. | 0.5 h |
Heating time min. | 0.5 h |
Annealing temperature max. | 420 °C |
Annealing temperature max. | 420 °C |
Annealing temperature min. | 350 °C |
Annealing temperature min. | 350 °C |
Cooling conditions | Ofenabkühlung mit = 30°C / Stunde bis 250°C im Ofen, unterhalb 250°C an Luft. (Mit Temperatur ist Metalltemperatur gemeint). Um eine gute Planheit nach dem Glühen zu erreichen ist zu empfehlen unter Belastung zu glühen. |
Cooling conditions | Ofenabkühlung mit = 30°C / Stunde bis 250°C im Ofen, unterhalb 250°C an Luft. (Mit Temperatur ist Metalltemperatur gemeint). Um eine gute Planheit nach dem Glühen zu erreichen ist zu empfehlen unter Belastung zu glühen. |
Cold ageing condition | Lagerung bei Raumtemperatur T3...; T4...., oder |
Cold ageing condition | Lagerung bei Raumtemperatur T3...; T4...., oder |
Cold ageing max. | 8 d |
Cold ageing max. | 8 d |
Cold ageing min. | 5 d |
Cold ageing min. | 5 d |
Heat ageing max. | 16 h |
Heat ageing max. | 16 h |
Heat ageing min. | 24 h |
Heat ageing min. | 24 h |
Heating temperature max. | 180 °C |
Heating temperature max. | 180 °C |
Heating temperature min. | 160 °C |
Heating temperature min. | 160 °C |
Quenching | Wasser bei Raumtemperatur |
Quenching | Wasser bei Raumtemperatur |
Heating time max. | 3 h |
Heating time max. | 3 h |
Heating time min. | 2 h |
Heating time min. | 2 h |
Solution annealing max. | 505 °C |
Solution annealing max. | 505 °C |
Solution annealing min. | 495 °C |
Solution annealing min. | 495 °C |
dimensional stability | 3 |
dimensional stability | 3 |
Eroding | 1 |
Eroding | 1 |
hardened | 1 |
hardened | 1 |
Material chemically EN 573-3 | Aluminium Al Cu Si Mn |
Material chemically EN 573-3 | Aluminium Al Cu Si Mn |
DIN | 3.1255 |
DIN | 3.1255 |
DIN (old designation) | AlCuSiMn |
DIN (old designation) | AlCuSiMn |
France AFNOR | NF -A-U4SG |
France AFNOR | NF -A-U4SG |
Italy UNI | 9002/3 [P-AlCu4,4SiMnMg] |
Italy UNI | 9002/3 [P-AlCu4,4SiMnMg] |
Norway | 17105 [AlCu4SiMg] |
Norway | 17105 [AlCu4SiMg] |
Spain | L-3130 [Al-4CuSiMg] |
Spain | L-3130 [Al-4CuSiMg] |
Sweden | 144,338 |
Sweden | 144,338 |
United Kingdom BS | BS - H15 |
United Kingdom BS | BS - H15 |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C | 22.5 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C | 22.5 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C | 23.4 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C | 23.4 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C | 24.4 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C | 24.4 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C | 20.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C | 20.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶ |
Density | 2.8 g/cm³ |
Density | 2.8 g/cm³ |
Electrical conductivity max. | 24 m/Ω*mm² |
Electrical conductivity max. | 24 m/Ω*mm² |
Electrical conductivity min. | 21 m/Ω*mm² |
Electrical conductivity min. | 21 m/Ω*mm² |
Specific heat | 880 J/(kg·K) |
Specific heat | 880 J/(kg·K) |
Thermal conductivity max. | 200 W/m*K |
Thermal conductivity max. | 200 W/m*K |
Thermal conductivity min. | 140 W/m*K |
Thermal conductivity min. | 140 W/m*K |
Brazing | 5 |
Brazing | 5 |
Brazing with flux | 5 |
Brazing with flux | 5 |
Soft soldering | 5 |
Soft soldering | 5 |
Soft soldering with flux | 5 |
Soft soldering with flux | 5 |
Friction stir welding | 2 |
Friction stir welding | 2 |
Friction welding | 2 |
Friction welding | 2 |
Laser | 5 |
Laser | 5 |
MIG | 5 |
MIG | 5 |
Plasma | 5 |
Plasma | 5 |
Resistance spot welding | 2 |
Resistance spot welding | 2 |
TIG | 5 |
TIG | 5 |
Aviation | No |
Aviation | No |
Be (from) | 0 |
Be (from) | 0 |
Be (to) | 0 |
Be (to) | 0 |
Co (from) | 0 |
Co (from) | 0 |
Co (to) | 0 |
Co (to) | 0 |
Cr (to) | 0.1 |
Cr (to) | 0.1 |
Cu (from) | 3.9 |
Cu (from) | 3.9 |
Cu (to) | 5 |
Cu (to) | 5 |
Fe (to) | 0.7 |
Fe (to) | 0.7 |
Mg (from) | 0.2 |
Mg (from) | 0.2 |
Mg (to) | 0.8 |
Mg (to) | 0.8 |
Mn (from) | 0.4 |
Mn (from) | 0.4 |
Mn (to) | 1.2 |
Mn (to) | 1.2 |
Other | max. 0,05 |
Other | max. 0,05 |
Rest | Al |
Rest | Al |
Si (from) | 0.5 |
Si (from) | 0.5 |
Si (to) | 1.2 |
Si (to) | 1.2 |
Ti footnote reference | f) |
Ti footnote reference | f) |
Ti (to) | 0.15 |
Ti (to) | 0.15 |
Total | max. 0,15 a) b) f) |
Total | max. 0,15 a) b) f) |
Zn (to) | 0.25 |
Zn (to) | 0.25 |
Zr footnote reference | f) |
Zr footnote reference | f) |
a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse Zr + Ti max. 0,25
Normal atmosphere | 4 |
Normal atmosphere | 4 |
Seawater atmosphere | 4.5 |
Seawater atmosphere | 4.5 |
Laser cutting | 4.5 |
Laser cutting |