EN AW-2024

plate rolled

A technical illustration of the product with dimensions of the material EN AW-2024 from the material Aluminum in the shape plate rolled
  • Form plate rolled
  • Material Aluminum
  • Material EN AW-2024
  • Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
  • DIN 3.1355
An image of the material EN AW-2024 from the material Aluminum in the shape plate rolled
A technical illustration of the product of the material EN AW-2024 from the material Aluminum in the shape plate rolled

Areas of application

Machine construction

High-strength constructions


Areas of application

Military technology

Features of this material

  • Good machinability
  • High strength
  • Curable

Information about the material

  • Aviation
    Aviation No
  • Chemical specifications
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Other 0,05
    Rest Aluminium
    Si (to) 0.5
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zr footnote reference f)

    a) Includes all listed elements for which no limits are specified. b) The sum of these "other additions", whose mass fraction is individually 0.010% or more, is expressed with two decimal places before the sum. f) A sum limit for Zr + Ti of 0.25 max. applies to forged or extruded products, if this value has been agreed between supplier and buyer.

  • Chemical surface treatment
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Chromating 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Hard anodising 3
    Phosphating 2
    Pickling 2
    Shining 4.5
  • Corrosion resistance
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
  • Cutting
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Sawing 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Waterjet cutting 1
  • Food industry
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
  • Forming
    Bending 4
    Bending delivery conditions O
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Deep drawing conditions O
    Drop forging 4
    Extruding 5
    Impact extrusion 4
    Impact extrusion conditions O
    Open die forging 3
    Press 3
    Press conditions O
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
    Upsetting conditions O
  • Heat treatment - Softannealing
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Cooling conditions Cooling conditions 30°C/h to
    250°C, below 250°C in air
  • Heat treatment - Solution annealing
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Quenching water
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
  • Machining / Machinability
    dimensional stability 4
    Eroding 1
    Etching 2
    hardened 2
    Photo etching 2
    soft annealed 3
  • Material
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Norway -
    Spain L-3140
    Sweden -
    United Kingdom BS L97
  • Mechanical surface treatment
    Blasting 1
    Brushing 2
    Dessinating 1
    Grinding 2
    Polishing 1
  • Metallic coating
    Galvanising 2
    Nickel coating 1
    Thermal spraying 3
  • Organic coating
    Enamelling 5
    Laminating 2
    Painting / Coating 3
  • physical properties
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
  • Soldering
    Brazing 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Friction soldering 3
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
  • Welding
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Gas 5
    Laser 5
    MIG 5
    Plasma 5
    Resistance spot welding 1
    TIG 5
  • Aviation
    Aviation No
    Aviation No
  • Chemical specifications
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Other 0,05
    Other 0,05
    Rest Aluminium
    Rest Aluminium
    Si (to) 0.5
    Si (to) 0.5
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zr footnote reference f)
    Zr footnote reference f)

    a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) Einen Summengrenzwert für Zr + Ti von 0,25 max. gilt für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse, wenn dieser Wert zwischen Lieferant un Käufer vereinbart wurde.

  • Chemical surface treatment
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Chromating 2
    Chromating 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Hard anodising 3
    Hard anodising 3
    Phosphating 2
    Phosphating 2
    Pickling 2
    Pickling 2
  • Corrosion resistance
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
  • Cutting
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Sawing 2
    Sawing 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Waterjet cutting 1
    Waterjet cutting 1
  • Food industry
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
  • Forming
    Bending 4
    Bending 4
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Drop forging 4
    Drop forging 4
    Extruding 5
    Extruding 5
    Impact extrusion 4
    Impact extrusion 4
    Open die forging 3
    Open die forging 3
    Press 3
    Press 3
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
  • Heat treatment - Softannealing
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
  • Heat treatment - Solution annealing
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Quenching Wasser
    Quenching Wasser
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
  • Machining / Machinability
    dimensional stability 4
    dimensional stability 4
    Eroding 1
    Eroding 1
    Etching 2
    Etching 2
    hardened 2
    hardened 2
    Photo etching 2
    Photo etching 2
    soft annealed 3
    soft annealed 3
  • Material
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Norway -
    Norway -
    Spain L-3140
    Spain L-3140
    Sweden -
    Sweden -
    United Kingdom BS L97
    United Kingdom BS L97
  • Mechanical surface treatment
    Blasting 1
    Blasting 1
    Brushing 2
    Brushing 2
    Dessinating 1
    Dessinating 1
    Grinding 2
    Grinding 2
    Polishing 1
    Polishing 1
  • Metallic coating
    Galvanising 2
    Galvanising 2
    Nickel coating 1
    Nickel coating 1
    Thermal spraying 3
    Thermal spraying 3
  • Organic coating
    Enamelling 5
    Enamelling 5
    Laminating 2
    Laminating 2
    Painting / Coating 3
    Painting / Coating 3
  • physical properties
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
  • Soldering
    Brazing 5
    Brazing 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Friction soldering 3
    Friction soldering 3
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
  • Welding
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Gas 5
    Gas 5
    Laser 5
    Laser 5
    MIG 5
    MIG 5
    Plasma 5
    Plasma 5
    Resistance spot welding 1
    Resistance spot welding 1
    TIG 5
    TIG 5
  • Aviation
    Aviation No
    Aviation No
  • Chemical specifications
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Other 0,05
    Other 0,05
    Rest Aluminium
    Rest Aluminium
    Si (to) 0.5
    Si (to) 0.5
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zr footnote reference f)
    Zr footnote reference f)

    a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) Einen Summengrenzwert für Zr + Ti von 0,25 max. gilt für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse, wenn dieser Wert zwischen Lieferant un Käufer vereinbart wurde.

  • Chemical surface treatment
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Chromating 2
    Chromating 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Hard anodising 3
    Hard anodising 3
    Phosphating 2
    Phosphating 2
    Pickling 2
    Pickling 2
  • Corrosion resistance
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
  • Cutting
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Sawing 2
    Sawing 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Waterjet cutting 1
    Waterjet cutting 1
  • Food industry
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
  • Forming
    Bending 4
    Bending 4
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Drop forging 4
    Drop forging 4
    Extruding 5
    Extruding 5
    Impact extrusion 4
    Impact extrusion 4
    Open die forging 3
    Open die forging 3
    Press 3
    Press 3
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
  • Heat treatment - Softannealing
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
  • Heat treatment - Solution annealing
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Quenching Wasser
    Quenching Wasser
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
  • Machining / Machinability
    dimensional stability 4
    dimensional stability 4
    Eroding 1
    Eroding 1
    Etching 2
    Etching 2
    hardened 2
    hardened 2
    Photo etching 2
    Photo etching 2
    soft annealed 3
    soft annealed 3
  • Material
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Norway -
    Norway -
    Spain L-3140
    Spain L-3140
    Sweden -
    Sweden -
    United Kingdom BS L97
    United Kingdom BS L97
  • Mechanical surface treatment
    Blasting 1
    Blasting 1
    Brushing 2
    Brushing 2
    Dessinating 1
    Dessinating 1
    Grinding 2
    Grinding 2
    Polishing 1
    Polishing 1
  • Metallic coating
    Galvanising 2
    Galvanising 2
    Nickel coating 1
    Nickel coating 1
    Thermal spraying 3
    Thermal spraying 3
  • Organic coating
    Enamelling 5
    Enamelling 5
    Laminating 2
    Laminating 2
    Painting / Coating 3
    Painting / Coating 3
  • physical properties
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
  • Soldering
    Brazing 5
    Brazing 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Friction soldering 3
    Friction soldering 3
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
  • Welding
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Gas 5
    Gas 5
    Laser 5
    Laser 5
    MIG 5
    MIG 5
    Plasma 5
    Plasma 5
    Resistance spot welding 1
    Resistance spot welding 1
    TIG 5
    TIG 5
  • Aviation
    Aviation No
    Aviation No
  • Chemical specifications
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Other 0,05
    Other 0,05
    Rest Aluminium
    Rest Aluminium
    Si (to) 0.5
    Si (to) 0.5
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zr footnote reference f)
    Zr footnote reference f)

    a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) Einen Summengrenzwert für Zr + Ti von 0,25 max. gilt für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse, wenn dieser Wert zwischen Lieferant un Käufer vereinbart wurde.

  • Chemical surface treatment
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Chromating 2
    Chromating 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Hard anodising 3
    Hard anodising 3
    Phosphating 2
    Phosphating 2
    Pickling 2
    Pickling 2
  • Corrosion resistance
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
  • Cutting
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Sawing 2
    Sawing 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Waterjet cutting 1
    Waterjet cutting 1
  • Food industry
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
  • Forming
    Bending 4
    Bending 4
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Drop forging 4
    Drop forging 4
    Extruding 5
    Extruding 5
    Impact extrusion 4
    Impact extrusion 4
    Open die forging 3
    Open die forging 3
    Press 3
    Press 3
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
  • Heat treatment - Softannealing
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
  • Heat treatment - Solution annealing
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Quenching Wasser
    Quenching Wasser
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
  • Machining / Machinability
    dimensional stability 4
    dimensional stability 4
    Eroding 1
    Eroding 1
    Etching 2
    Etching 2
    hardened 2
    hardened 2
    Photo etching 2
    Photo etching 2
    soft annealed 3
    soft annealed 3
  • Material
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Norway -
    Norway -
    Spain L-3140
    Spain L-3140
    Sweden -
    Sweden -
    United Kingdom BS L97
    United Kingdom BS L97
  • Mechanical surface treatment
    Blasting 1
    Blasting 1
    Brushing 2
    Brushing 2
    Dessinating 1
    Dessinating 1
    Grinding 2
    Grinding 2
    Polishing 1
    Polishing 1
  • Metallic coating
    Galvanising 2
    Galvanising 2
    Nickel coating 1
    Nickel coating 1
    Thermal spraying 3
    Thermal spraying 3
  • Organic coating
    Enamelling 5
    Enamelling 5
    Laminating 2
    Laminating 2
    Painting / Coating 3
    Painting / Coating 3
  • physical properties
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
  • Soldering
    Brazing 5
    Brazing 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Friction soldering 3
    Friction soldering 3
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
  • Welding
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Gas 5
    Gas 5
    Laser 5
    Laser 5
    MIG 5
    MIG 5
    Plasma 5
    Plasma 5
    Resistance spot welding 1
    Resistance spot welding 1
    TIG 5
    TIG 5
  • Aviation
    Aviation No
    Aviation No
  • Chemical specifications
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Other 0,05
    Other 0,05
    Rest Aluminium
    Rest Aluminium
    Si (to) 0.5
    Si (to) 0.5
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zr footnote reference f)
    Zr footnote reference f)

    a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) Einen Summengrenzwert für Zr + Ti von 0,25 max. gilt für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse, wenn dieser Wert zwischen Lieferant un Käufer vereinbart wurde.

  • Chemical surface treatment
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Chromating 2
    Chromating 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Hard anodising 3
    Hard anodising 3
    Phosphating 2
    Phosphating 2
    Pickling 2
    Pickling 2
  • Corrosion resistance
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
  • Cutting
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Sawing 2
    Sawing 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Waterjet cutting 1
    Waterjet cutting 1
  • Food industry
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
  • Forming
    Bending 4
    Bending 4
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Drop forging 4
    Drop forging 4
    Extruding 5
    Extruding 5
    Impact extrusion 4
    Impact extrusion 4
    Open die forging 3
    Open die forging 3
    Press 3
    Press 3
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
  • Heat treatment - Softannealing
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
  • Heat treatment - Solution annealing
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Quenching Wasser
    Quenching Wasser
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
  • Machining / Machinability
    dimensional stability 4
    dimensional stability 4
    Eroding 1
    Eroding 1
    Etching 2
    Etching 2
    hardened 2
    hardened 2
    Photo etching 2
    Photo etching 2
    soft annealed 3
    soft annealed 3
  • Material
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Norway -
    Norway -
    Spain L-3140
    Spain L-3140
    Sweden -
    Sweden -
    United Kingdom BS L97
    United Kingdom BS L97
  • Mechanical surface treatment
    Blasting 1
    Blasting 1
    Brushing 2
    Brushing 2
    Dessinating 1
    Dessinating 1
    Grinding 2
    Grinding 2
    Polishing 1
    Polishing 1
  • Metallic coating
    Galvanising 2
    Galvanising 2
    Nickel coating 1
    Nickel coating 1
    Thermal spraying 3
    Thermal spraying 3
  • Organic coating
    Enamelling 5
    Enamelling 5
    Laminating 2
    Laminating 2
    Painting / Coating 3
    Painting / Coating 3
  • physical properties
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
  • Soldering
    Brazing 5
    Brazing 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Friction soldering 3
    Friction soldering 3
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
  • Welding
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Gas 5
    Gas 5
    Laser 5
    Laser 5
    MIG 5
    MIG 5
    Plasma 5
    Plasma 5
    Resistance spot welding 1
    Resistance spot welding 1
    TIG 5
    TIG 5
  • Aviation
    Aviation No
    Aviation No
  • Chemical specifications
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Other 0,05
    Other 0,05
    Rest Aluminium
    Rest Aluminium
    Si (to) 0.5
    Si (to) 0.5
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zr footnote reference f)
    Zr footnote reference f)

    a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) Einen Summengrenzwert für Zr + Ti von 0,25 max. gilt für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse, wenn dieser Wert zwischen Lieferant un Käufer vereinbart wurde.

  • Chemical surface treatment
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Chromating 2
    Chromating 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Hard anodising 3
    Hard anodising 3
    Phosphating 2
    Phosphating 2
    Pickling 2
    Pickling 2
  • Corrosion resistance
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
  • Cutting
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Sawing 2
    Sawing 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Waterjet cutting 1
    Waterjet cutting 1
  • Food industry
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
  • Forming
    Bending 4
    Bending 4
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Drop forging 4
    Drop forging 4
    Extruding 5
    Extruding 5
    Impact extrusion 4
    Impact extrusion 4
    Open die forging 3
    Open die forging 3
    Press 3
    Press 3
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
  • Heat treatment - Softannealing
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
  • Heat treatment - Solution annealing
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Quenching Wasser
    Quenching Wasser
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
  • Machining / Machinability
    dimensional stability 4
    dimensional stability 4
    Eroding 1
    Eroding 1
    Etching 2
    Etching 2
    hardened 2
    hardened 2
    Photo etching 2
    Photo etching 2
    soft annealed 3
    soft annealed 3
  • Material
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Norway -
    Norway -
    Spain L-3140
    Spain L-3140
    Sweden -
    Sweden -
    United Kingdom BS L97
    United Kingdom BS L97
  • Mechanical surface treatment
    Blasting 1
    Blasting 1
    Brushing 2
    Brushing 2
    Dessinating 1
    Dessinating 1
    Grinding 2
    Grinding 2
    Polishing 1
    Polishing 1
  • Metallic coating
    Galvanising 2
    Galvanising 2
    Nickel coating 1
    Nickel coating 1
    Thermal spraying 3
    Thermal spraying 3
  • Organic coating
    Enamelling 5
    Enamelling 5
    Laminating 2
    Laminating 2
    Painting / Coating 3
    Painting / Coating 3
  • physical properties
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
  • Soldering
    Brazing 5
    Brazing 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Friction soldering 3
    Friction soldering 3
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
  • Welding
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Gas 5
    Gas 5
    Laser 5
    Laser 5
    MIG 5
    MIG 5
    Plasma 5
    Plasma 5
    Resistance spot welding 1
    Resistance spot welding 1
    TIG 5
    TIG 5
  • Aviation
    Aviation No
    Aviation No
  • Chemical specifications
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Other 0,05
    Other 0,05
    Rest Aluminium
    Rest Aluminium
    Si (to) 0.5
    Si (to) 0.5
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zr footnote reference f)
    Zr footnote reference f)

    a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) Einen Summengrenzwert für Zr + Ti von 0,25 max. gilt für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse, wenn dieser Wert zwischen Lieferant un Käufer vereinbart wurde.

  • Chemical surface treatment
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Chromating 2
    Chromating 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Hard anodising 3
    Hard anodising 3
    Phosphating 2
    Phosphating 2
    Pickling 2
    Pickling 2
  • Corrosion resistance
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
  • Cutting
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Sawing 2
    Sawing 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Waterjet cutting 1
    Waterjet cutting 1
  • Food industry
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
  • Forming
    Bending 4
    Bending 4
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Drop forging 4
    Drop forging 4
    Extruding 5
    Extruding 5
    Impact extrusion 4
    Impact extrusion 4
    Open die forging 3
    Open die forging 3
    Press 3
    Press 3
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
  • Heat treatment - Softannealing
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
  • Heat treatment - Solution annealing
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Quenching Wasser
    Quenching Wasser
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
  • Machining / Machinability
    dimensional stability 4
    dimensional stability 4
    Eroding 1
    Eroding 1
    Etching 2
    Etching 2
    hardened 2
    hardened 2
    Photo etching 2
    Photo etching 2
    soft annealed 3
    soft annealed 3
  • Material
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Norway -
    Norway -
    Spain L-3140
    Spain L-3140
    Sweden -
    Sweden -
    United Kingdom BS L97
    United Kingdom BS L97
  • Mechanical surface treatment
    Blasting 1
    Blasting 1
    Brushing 2
    Brushing 2
    Dessinating 1
    Dessinating 1
    Grinding 2
    Grinding 2
    Polishing 1
    Polishing 1
  • Metallic coating
    Galvanising 2
    Galvanising 2
    Nickel coating 1
    Nickel coating 1
    Thermal spraying 3
    Thermal spraying 3
  • Organic coating
    Enamelling 5
    Enamelling 5
    Laminating 2
    Laminating 2
    Painting / Coating 3
    Painting / Coating 3
  • physical properties
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
  • Soldering
    Brazing 5
    Brazing 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Friction soldering 3
    Friction soldering 3
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
  • Welding
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Gas 5
    Gas 5
    Laser 5
    Laser 5
    MIG 5
    MIG 5
    Plasma 5
    Plasma 5
    Resistance spot welding 1
    Resistance spot welding 1
    TIG 5
    TIG 5
  • Aviation
    Aviation No
    Aviation No
  • Chemical specifications
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Other 0,05
    Other 0,05
    Rest Aluminium
    Rest Aluminium
    Si (to) 0.5
    Si (to) 0.5
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zr footnote reference f)
    Zr footnote reference f)

    a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) Einen Summengrenzwert für Zr + Ti von 0,25 max. gilt für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse, wenn dieser Wert zwischen Lieferant un Käufer vereinbart wurde.

  • Chemical surface treatment
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Chromating 2
    Chromating 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Hard anodising 3
    Hard anodising 3
    Phosphating 2
    Phosphating 2
    Pickling 2
    Pickling 2
  • Corrosion resistance
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
  • Cutting
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Sawing 2
    Sawing 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Waterjet cutting 1
    Waterjet cutting 1
  • Food industry
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
  • Forming
    Bending 4
    Bending 4
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Drop forging 4
    Drop forging 4
    Extruding 5
    Extruding 5
    Impact extrusion 4
    Impact extrusion 4
    Open die forging 3
    Open die forging 3
    Press 3
    Press 3
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
  • Heat treatment - Softannealing
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
  • Heat treatment - Solution annealing
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Quenching Wasser
    Quenching Wasser
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
  • Machining / Machinability
    dimensional stability 4
    dimensional stability 4
    Eroding 1
    Eroding 1
    Etching 2
    Etching 2
    hardened 2
    hardened 2
    Photo etching 2
    Photo etching 2
    soft annealed 3
    soft annealed 3
  • Material
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Norway -
    Norway -
    Spain L-3140
    Spain L-3140
    Sweden -
    Sweden -
    United Kingdom BS L97
    United Kingdom BS L97
  • Mechanical surface treatment
    Blasting 1
    Blasting 1
    Brushing 2
    Brushing 2
    Dessinating 1
    Dessinating 1
    Grinding 2
    Grinding 2
    Polishing 1
    Polishing 1
  • Metallic coating
    Galvanising 2
    Galvanising 2
    Nickel coating 1
    Nickel coating 1
    Thermal spraying 3
    Thermal spraying 3
  • Organic coating
    Enamelling 5
    Enamelling 5
    Laminating 2
    Laminating 2
    Painting / Coating 3
    Painting / Coating 3
  • physical properties
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
  • Soldering
    Brazing 5
    Brazing 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Friction soldering 3
    Friction soldering 3
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
  • Welding
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Gas 5
    Gas 5
    Laser 5
    Laser 5
    MIG 5
    MIG 5
    Plasma 5
    Plasma 5
    Resistance spot welding 1
    Resistance spot welding 1
    TIG 5
    TIG 5
  • Aviation
    Aviation No
    Aviation No
  • Chemical specifications
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Other 0,05
    Other 0,05
    Rest Aluminium
    Rest Aluminium
    Si (to) 0.5
    Si (to) 0.5
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zr footnote reference f)
    Zr footnote reference f)

    a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) Einen Summengrenzwert für Zr + Ti von 0,25 max. gilt für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse, wenn dieser Wert zwischen Lieferant un Käufer vereinbart wurde.

  • Chemical surface treatment
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Chromating 2
    Chromating 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Hard anodising 3
    Hard anodising 3
    Phosphating 2
    Phosphating 2
    Pickling 2
    Pickling 2
  • Corrosion resistance
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
  • Cutting
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Sawing 2
    Sawing 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Waterjet cutting 1
    Waterjet cutting 1
  • Food industry
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
  • Forming
    Bending 4
    Bending 4
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Drop forging 4
    Drop forging 4
    Extruding 5
    Extruding 5
    Impact extrusion 4
    Impact extrusion 4
    Open die forging 3
    Open die forging 3
    Press 3
    Press 3
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
  • Heat treatment - Softannealing
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
  • Heat treatment - Solution annealing
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Quenching Wasser
    Quenching Wasser
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
  • Machining / Machinability
    dimensional stability 4
    dimensional stability 4
    Eroding 1
    Eroding 1
    Etching 2
    Etching 2
    hardened 2
    hardened 2
    Photo etching 2
    Photo etching 2
    soft annealed 3
    soft annealed 3
  • Material
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Norway -
    Norway -
    Spain L-3140
    Spain L-3140
    Sweden -
    Sweden -
    United Kingdom BS L97
    United Kingdom BS L97
  • Mechanical surface treatment
    Blasting 1
    Blasting 1
    Brushing 2
    Brushing 2
    Dessinating 1
    Dessinating 1
    Grinding 2
    Grinding 2
    Polishing 1
    Polishing 1
  • Metallic coating
    Galvanising 2
    Galvanising 2
    Nickel coating 1
    Nickel coating 1
    Thermal spraying 3
    Thermal spraying 3
  • Organic coating
    Enamelling 5
    Enamelling 5
    Laminating 2
    Laminating 2
    Painting / Coating 3
    Painting / Coating 3
  • physical properties
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
  • Soldering
    Brazing 5
    Brazing 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Friction soldering 3
    Friction soldering 3
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
  • Welding
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Gas 5
    Gas 5
    Laser 5
    Laser 5
    MIG 5
    MIG 5
    Plasma 5
    Plasma 5
    Resistance spot welding 1
    Resistance spot welding 1
    TIG 5
    TIG 5
  • Aviation
    Aviation No
    Aviation No
  • Chemical specifications
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Other 0,05
    Other 0,05
    Rest Aluminium
    Rest Aluminium
    Si (to) 0.5
    Si (to) 0.5
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zr footnote reference f)
    Zr footnote reference f)

    a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) Einen Summengrenzwert für Zr + Ti von 0,25 max. gilt für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse, wenn dieser Wert zwischen Lieferant un Käufer vereinbart wurde.

  • Chemical surface treatment
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Chromating 2
    Chromating 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Hard anodising 3
    Hard anodising 3
    Phosphating 2
    Phosphating 2
    Pickling 2
    Pickling 2
  • Corrosion resistance
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
  • Cutting
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Sawing 2
    Sawing 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Waterjet cutting 1
    Waterjet cutting 1
  • Food industry
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
  • Forming
    Bending 4
    Bending 4
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Drop forging 4
    Drop forging 4
    Extruding 5
    Extruding 5
    Impact extrusion 4
    Impact extrusion 4
    Open die forging 3
    Open die forging 3
    Press 3
    Press 3
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
  • Heat treatment - Softannealing
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
  • Heat treatment - Solution annealing
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Quenching Wasser
    Quenching Wasser
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
  • Machining / Machinability
    dimensional stability 4
    dimensional stability 4
    Eroding 1
    Eroding 1
    Etching 2
    Etching 2
    hardened 2
    hardened 2
    Photo etching 2
    Photo etching 2
    soft annealed 3
    soft annealed 3
  • Material
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Norway -
    Norway -
    Spain L-3140
    Spain L-3140
    Sweden -
    Sweden -
    United Kingdom BS L97
    United Kingdom BS L97
  • Mechanical surface treatment
    Blasting 1
    Blasting 1
    Brushing 2
    Brushing 2
    Dessinating 1
    Dessinating 1
    Grinding 2
    Grinding 2
    Polishing 1
    Polishing 1
  • Metallic coating
    Galvanising 2
    Galvanising 2
    Nickel coating 1
    Nickel coating 1
    Thermal spraying 3
    Thermal spraying 3
  • Organic coating
    Enamelling 5
    Enamelling 5
    Laminating 2
    Laminating 2
    Painting / Coating 3
    Painting / Coating 3
  • physical properties
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
  • Soldering
    Brazing 5
    Brazing 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Friction soldering 3
    Friction soldering 3
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
  • Welding
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Gas 5
    Gas 5
    Laser 5
    Laser 5
    MIG 5
    MIG 5
    Plasma 5
    Plasma 5
    Resistance spot welding 1
    Resistance spot welding 1
    TIG 5
    TIG 5
  • Aviation
    Aviation No
    Aviation No
  • Chemical specifications
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Other 0,05
    Other 0,05
    Rest Aluminium
    Rest Aluminium
    Si (to) 0.5
    Si (to) 0.5
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zr footnote reference f)
    Zr footnote reference f)

    a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) Einen Summengrenzwert für Zr + Ti von 0,25 max. gilt für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse, wenn dieser Wert zwischen Lieferant un Käufer vereinbart wurde.

  • Chemical surface treatment
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Chromating 2
    Chromating 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Hard anodising 3
    Hard anodising 3
    Phosphating 2
    Phosphating 2
    Pickling 2
    Pickling 2
  • Corrosion resistance
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
  • Cutting
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Sawing 2
    Sawing 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Waterjet cutting 1
    Waterjet cutting 1
  • Food industry
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
  • Forming
    Bending 4
    Bending 4
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Drop forging 4
    Drop forging 4
    Extruding 5
    Extruding 5
    Impact extrusion 4
    Impact extrusion 4
    Open die forging 3
    Open die forging 3
    Press 3
    Press 3
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
  • Heat treatment - Softannealing
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
  • Heat treatment - Solution annealing
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Quenching Wasser
    Quenching Wasser
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
  • Machining / Machinability
    dimensional stability 4
    dimensional stability 4
    Eroding 1
    Eroding 1
    Etching 2
    Etching 2
    hardened 2
    hardened 2
    Photo etching 2
    Photo etching 2
    soft annealed 3
    soft annealed 3
  • Material
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Norway -
    Norway -
    Spain L-3140
    Spain L-3140
    Sweden -
    Sweden -
    United Kingdom BS L97
    United Kingdom BS L97
  • Mechanical surface treatment
    Blasting 1
    Blasting 1
    Brushing 2
    Brushing 2
    Dessinating 1
    Dessinating 1
    Grinding 2
    Grinding 2
    Polishing 1
    Polishing 1
  • Metallic coating
    Galvanising 2
    Galvanising 2
    Nickel coating 1
    Nickel coating 1
    Thermal spraying 3
    Thermal spraying 3
  • Organic coating
    Enamelling 5
    Enamelling 5
    Laminating 2
    Laminating 2
    Painting / Coating 3
    Painting / Coating 3
  • physical properties
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
  • Soldering
    Brazing 5
    Brazing 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Friction soldering 3
    Friction soldering 3
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
  • Welding
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Gas 5
    Gas 5
    Laser 5
    Laser 5
    MIG 5
    MIG 5
    Plasma 5
    Plasma 5
    Resistance spot welding 1
    Resistance spot welding 1
    TIG 5
    TIG 5
  • Aviation
    Aviation No
    Aviation No
  • Chemical specifications
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Other 0,05
    Other 0,05
    Rest Aluminium
    Rest Aluminium
    Si (to) 0.5
    Si (to) 0.5
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zr footnote reference f)
    Zr footnote reference f)

    a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) Einen Summengrenzwert für Zr + Ti von 0,25 max. gilt für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse, wenn dieser Wert zwischen Lieferant un Käufer vereinbart wurde.

  • Chemical surface treatment
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Chromating 2
    Chromating 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Hard anodising 3
    Hard anodising 3
    Phosphating 2
    Phosphating 2
    Pickling 2
    Pickling 2
  • Corrosion resistance
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
  • Cutting
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Sawing 2
    Sawing 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Waterjet cutting 1
    Waterjet cutting 1
  • Food industry
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
  • Forming
    Bending 4
    Bending 4
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Drop forging 4
    Drop forging 4
    Extruding 5
    Extruding 5
    Impact extrusion 4
    Impact extrusion 4
    Open die forging 3
    Open die forging 3
    Press 3
    Press 3
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
  • Heat treatment - Softannealing
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
  • Heat treatment - Solution annealing
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Quenching Wasser
    Quenching Wasser
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
  • Machining / Machinability
    dimensional stability 4
    dimensional stability 4
    Eroding 1
    Eroding 1
    Etching 2
    Etching 2
    hardened 2
    hardened 2
    Photo etching 2
    Photo etching 2
    soft annealed 3
    soft annealed 3
  • Material
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Norway -
    Norway -
    Spain L-3140
    Spain L-3140
    Sweden -
    Sweden -
    United Kingdom BS L97
    United Kingdom BS L97
  • Mechanical surface treatment
    Blasting 1
    Blasting 1
    Brushing 2
    Brushing 2
    Dessinating 1
    Dessinating 1
    Grinding 2
    Grinding 2
    Polishing 1
    Polishing 1
  • Metallic coating
    Galvanising 2
    Galvanising 2
    Nickel coating 1
    Nickel coating 1
    Thermal spraying 3
    Thermal spraying 3
  • Organic coating
    Enamelling 5
    Enamelling 5
    Laminating 2
    Laminating 2
    Painting / Coating 3
    Painting / Coating 3
  • physical properties
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
  • Soldering
    Brazing 5
    Brazing 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Friction soldering 3
    Friction soldering 3
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
  • Welding
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Gas 5
    Gas 5
    Laser 5
    Laser 5
    MIG 5
    MIG 5
    Plasma 5
    Plasma 5
    Resistance spot welding 1
    Resistance spot welding 1
    TIG 5
    TIG 5
  • Aviation
    Aviation No
    Aviation No
  • Chemical specifications
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Other 0,05
    Other 0,05
    Rest Aluminium
    Rest Aluminium
    Si (to) 0.5
    Si (to) 0.5
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zr footnote reference f)
    Zr footnote reference f)

    a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) Einen Summengrenzwert für Zr + Ti von 0,25 max. gilt für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse, wenn dieser Wert zwischen Lieferant un Käufer vereinbart wurde.

  • Chemical surface treatment
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Chromating 2
    Chromating 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Hard anodising 3
    Hard anodising 3
    Phosphating 2
    Phosphating 2
    Pickling 2
    Pickling 2
  • Corrosion resistance
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
  • Cutting
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Sawing 2
    Sawing 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Waterjet cutting 1
    Waterjet cutting 1
  • Food industry
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
  • Forming
    Bending 4
    Bending 4
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Drop forging 4
    Drop forging 4
    Extruding 5
    Extruding 5
    Impact extrusion 4
    Impact extrusion 4
    Open die forging 3
    Open die forging 3
    Press 3
    Press 3
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
  • Heat treatment - Softannealing
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
  • Heat treatment - Solution annealing
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Quenching Wasser
    Quenching Wasser
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
  • Machining / Machinability
    dimensional stability 4
    dimensional stability 4
    Eroding 1
    Eroding 1
    Etching 2
    Etching 2
    hardened 2
    hardened 2
    Photo etching 2
    Photo etching 2
    soft annealed 3
    soft annealed 3
  • Material
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Norway -
    Norway -
    Spain L-3140
    Spain L-3140
    Sweden -
    Sweden -
    United Kingdom BS L97
    United Kingdom BS L97
  • Mechanical surface treatment
    Blasting 1
    Blasting 1
    Brushing 2
    Brushing 2
    Dessinating 1
    Dessinating 1
    Grinding 2
    Grinding 2
    Polishing 1
    Polishing 1
  • Metallic coating
    Galvanising 2
    Galvanising 2
    Nickel coating 1
    Nickel coating 1
    Thermal spraying 3
    Thermal spraying 3
  • Organic coating
    Enamelling 5
    Enamelling 5
    Laminating 2
    Laminating 2
    Painting / Coating 3
    Painting / Coating 3
  • physical properties
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
  • Soldering
    Brazing 5
    Brazing 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Friction soldering 3
    Friction soldering 3
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
  • Welding
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Gas 5
    Gas 5
    Laser 5
    Laser 5
    MIG 5
    MIG 5
    Plasma 5
    Plasma 5
    Resistance spot welding 1
    Resistance spot welding 1
    TIG 5
    TIG 5
  • Aviation
    Aviation No
    Aviation No
  • Chemical specifications
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Other 0,05
    Other 0,05
    Rest Aluminium
    Rest Aluminium
    Si (to) 0.5
    Si (to) 0.5
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zr footnote reference f)
    Zr footnote reference f)

    a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) Einen Summengrenzwert für Zr + Ti von 0,25 max. gilt für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse, wenn dieser Wert zwischen Lieferant un Käufer vereinbart wurde.

  • Chemical surface treatment
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Chromating 2
    Chromating 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Hard anodising 3
    Hard anodising 3
    Phosphating 2
    Phosphating 2
    Pickling 2
    Pickling 2
  • Corrosion resistance
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
  • Cutting
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Sawing 2
    Sawing 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Waterjet cutting 1
    Waterjet cutting 1
  • Food industry
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
  • Forming
    Bending 4
    Bending 4
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Drop forging 4
    Drop forging 4
    Extruding 5
    Extruding 5
    Impact extrusion 4
    Impact extrusion 4
    Open die forging 3
    Open die forging 3
    Press 3
    Press 3
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
  • Heat treatment - Softannealing
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
  • Heat treatment - Solution annealing
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Quenching Wasser
    Quenching Wasser
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
  • Machining / Machinability
    dimensional stability 4
    dimensional stability 4
    Eroding 1
    Eroding 1
    Etching 2
    Etching 2
    hardened 2
    hardened 2
    Photo etching 2
    Photo etching 2
    soft annealed 3
    soft annealed 3
  • Material
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Norway -
    Norway -
    Spain L-3140
    Spain L-3140
    Sweden -
    Sweden -
    United Kingdom BS L97
    United Kingdom BS L97
  • Mechanical surface treatment
    Blasting 1
    Blasting 1
    Brushing 2
    Brushing 2
    Dessinating 1
    Dessinating 1
    Grinding 2
    Grinding 2
    Polishing 1
    Polishing 1
  • Metallic coating
    Galvanising 2
    Galvanising 2
    Nickel coating 1
    Nickel coating 1
    Thermal spraying 3
    Thermal spraying 3
  • Organic coating
    Enamelling 5
    Enamelling 5
    Laminating 2
    Laminating 2
    Painting / Coating 3
    Painting / Coating 3
  • physical properties
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
  • Soldering
    Brazing 5
    Brazing 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Friction soldering 3
    Friction soldering 3
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
  • Welding
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Gas 5
    Gas 5
    Laser 5
    Laser 5
    MIG 5
    MIG 5
    Plasma 5
    Plasma 5
    Resistance spot welding 1
    Resistance spot welding 1
    TIG 5
    TIG 5
  • Aviation
    Aviation No
    Aviation No
  • Chemical specifications
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Other 0,05
    Other 0,05
    Rest Aluminium
    Rest Aluminium
    Si (to) 0.5
    Si (to) 0.5
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zr footnote reference f)
    Zr footnote reference f)

    a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) Einen Summengrenzwert für Zr + Ti von 0,25 max. gilt für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse, wenn dieser Wert zwischen Lieferant un Käufer vereinbart wurde.

  • Chemical surface treatment
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Chromating 2
    Chromating 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Hard anodising 3
    Hard anodising 3
    Phosphating 2
    Phosphating 2
    Pickling 2
    Pickling 2
  • Corrosion resistance
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
  • Cutting
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Sawing 2
    Sawing 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Waterjet cutting 1
    Waterjet cutting 1
  • Food industry
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
  • Forming
    Bending 4
    Bending 4
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Drop forging 4
    Drop forging 4
    Extruding 5
    Extruding 5
    Impact extrusion 4
    Impact extrusion 4
    Open die forging 3
    Open die forging 3
    Press 3
    Press 3
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
  • Heat treatment - Softannealing
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
  • Heat treatment - Solution annealing
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Quenching Wasser
    Quenching Wasser
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
  • Machining / Machinability
    dimensional stability 4
    dimensional stability 4
    Eroding 1
    Eroding 1
    Etching 2
    Etching 2
    hardened 2
    hardened 2
    Photo etching 2
    Photo etching 2
    soft annealed 3
    soft annealed 3
  • Material
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Norway -
    Norway -
    Spain L-3140
    Spain L-3140
    Sweden -
    Sweden -
    United Kingdom BS L97
    United Kingdom BS L97
  • Mechanical surface treatment
    Blasting 1
    Blasting 1
    Brushing 2
    Brushing 2
    Dessinating 1
    Dessinating 1
    Grinding 2
    Grinding 2
    Polishing 1
    Polishing 1
  • Metallic coating
    Galvanising 2
    Galvanising 2
    Nickel coating 1
    Nickel coating 1
    Thermal spraying 3
    Thermal spraying 3
  • Organic coating
    Enamelling 5
    Enamelling 5
    Laminating 2
    Laminating 2
    Painting / Coating 3
    Painting / Coating 3
  • physical properties
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
  • Soldering
    Brazing 5
    Brazing 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Friction soldering 3
    Friction soldering 3
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
  • Welding
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Gas 5
    Gas 5
    Laser 5
    Laser 5
    MIG 5
    MIG 5
    Plasma 5
    Plasma 5
    Resistance spot welding 1
    Resistance spot welding 1
    TIG 5
    TIG 5
  • Aviation
    Aviation No
    Aviation No
  • Chemical specifications
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Other 0,05
    Other 0,05
    Rest Aluminium
    Rest Aluminium
    Si (to) 0.5
    Si (to) 0.5
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zr footnote reference f)
    Zr footnote reference f)

    a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) Einen Summengrenzwert für Zr + Ti von 0,25 max. gilt für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse, wenn dieser Wert zwischen Lieferant un Käufer vereinbart wurde.

  • Chemical surface treatment
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Chromating 2
    Chromating 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Hard anodising 3
    Hard anodising 3
    Phosphating 2
    Phosphating 2
    Pickling 2
    Pickling 2
  • Corrosion resistance
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
  • Cutting
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Sawing 2
    Sawing 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Waterjet cutting 1
    Waterjet cutting 1
  • Food industry
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
  • Forming
    Bending 4
    Bending 4
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Drop forging 4
    Drop forging 4
    Extruding 5
    Extruding 5
    Impact extrusion 4
    Impact extrusion 4
    Open die forging 3
    Open die forging 3
    Press 3
    Press 3
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
  • Heat treatment - Softannealing
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
  • Heat treatment - Solution annealing
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Quenching Wasser
    Quenching Wasser
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
  • Machining / Machinability
    dimensional stability 4
    dimensional stability 4
    Eroding 1
    Eroding 1
    Etching 2
    Etching 2
    hardened 2
    hardened 2
    Photo etching 2
    Photo etching 2
    soft annealed 3
    soft annealed 3
  • Material
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Norway -
    Norway -
    Spain L-3140
    Spain L-3140
    Sweden -
    Sweden -
    United Kingdom BS L97
    United Kingdom BS L97
  • Mechanical surface treatment
    Blasting 1
    Blasting 1
    Brushing 2
    Brushing 2
    Dessinating 1
    Dessinating 1
    Grinding 2
    Grinding 2
    Polishing 1
    Polishing 1
  • Metallic coating
    Galvanising 2
    Galvanising 2
    Nickel coating 1
    Nickel coating 1
    Thermal spraying 3
    Thermal spraying 3
  • Organic coating
    Enamelling 5
    Enamelling 5
    Laminating 2
    Laminating 2
    Painting / Coating 3
    Painting / Coating 3
  • physical properties
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
  • Soldering
    Brazing 5
    Brazing 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Friction soldering 3
    Friction soldering 3
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
  • Welding
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Gas 5
    Gas 5
    Laser 5
    Laser 5
    MIG 5
    MIG 5
    Plasma 5
    Plasma 5
    Resistance spot welding 1
    Resistance spot welding 1
    TIG 5
    TIG 5
  • Aviation
    Aviation No
    Aviation No
  • Chemical specifications
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Other 0,05
    Other 0,05
    Rest Aluminium
    Rest Aluminium
    Si (to) 0.5
    Si (to) 0.5
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zr footnote reference f)
    Zr footnote reference f)

    a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) Einen Summengrenzwert für Zr + Ti von 0,25 max. gilt für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse, wenn dieser Wert zwischen Lieferant un Käufer vereinbart wurde.

  • Chemical surface treatment
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Chromating 2
    Chromating 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Hard anodising 3
    Hard anodising 3
    Phosphating 2
    Phosphating 2
    Pickling 2
    Pickling 2
  • Corrosion resistance
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
  • Cutting
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Sawing 2
    Sawing 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Waterjet cutting 1
    Waterjet cutting 1
  • Food industry
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
  • Forming
    Bending 4
    Bending 4
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Drop forging 4
    Drop forging 4
    Extruding 5
    Extruding 5
    Impact extrusion 4
    Impact extrusion 4
    Open die forging 3
    Open die forging 3
    Press 3
    Press 3
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
  • Heat treatment - Softannealing
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
  • Heat treatment - Solution annealing
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Quenching Wasser
    Quenching Wasser
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
  • Machining / Machinability
    dimensional stability 4
    dimensional stability 4
    Eroding 1
    Eroding 1
    Etching 2
    Etching 2
    hardened 2
    hardened 2
    Photo etching 2
    Photo etching 2
    soft annealed 3
    soft annealed 3
  • Material
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Norway -
    Norway -
    Spain L-3140
    Spain L-3140
    Sweden -
    Sweden -
    United Kingdom BS L97
    United Kingdom BS L97
  • Mechanical surface treatment
    Blasting 1
    Blasting 1
    Brushing 2
    Brushing 2
    Dessinating 1
    Dessinating 1
    Grinding 2
    Grinding 2
    Polishing 1
    Polishing 1
  • Metallic coating
    Galvanising 2
    Galvanising 2
    Nickel coating 1
    Nickel coating 1
    Thermal spraying 3
    Thermal spraying 3
  • Organic coating
    Enamelling 5
    Enamelling 5
    Laminating 2
    Laminating 2
    Painting / Coating 3
    Painting / Coating 3
  • physical properties
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
  • Soldering
    Brazing 5
    Brazing 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Friction soldering 3
    Friction soldering 3
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
  • Welding
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Gas 5
    Gas 5
    Laser 5
    Laser 5
    MIG 5
    MIG 5
    Plasma 5
    Plasma 5
    Resistance spot welding 1
    Resistance spot welding 1
    TIG 5
    TIG 5
  • Aviation
    Aviation No
    Aviation No
  • Chemical specifications
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Other 0,05
    Other 0,05
    Rest Aluminium
    Rest Aluminium
    Si (to) 0.5
    Si (to) 0.5
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zr footnote reference f)
    Zr footnote reference f)

    a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) Einen Summengrenzwert für Zr + Ti von 0,25 max. gilt für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse, wenn dieser Wert zwischen Lieferant un Käufer vereinbart wurde.

  • Chemical surface treatment
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Chromating 2
    Chromating 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Hard anodising 3
    Hard anodising 3
    Phosphating 2
    Phosphating 2
    Pickling 2
    Pickling 2
  • Corrosion resistance
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
  • Cutting
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Sawing 2
    Sawing 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Waterjet cutting 1
    Waterjet cutting 1
  • Food industry
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
  • Forming
    Bending 4
    Bending 4
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Drop forging 4
    Drop forging 4
    Extruding 5
    Extruding 5
    Impact extrusion 4
    Impact extrusion 4
    Open die forging 3
    Open die forging 3
    Press 3
    Press 3
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
  • Heat treatment - Softannealing
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
  • Heat treatment - Solution annealing
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Quenching Wasser
    Quenching Wasser
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
  • Machining / Machinability
    dimensional stability 4
    dimensional stability 4
    Eroding 1
    Eroding 1
    Etching 2
    Etching 2
    hardened 2
    hardened 2
    Photo etching 2
    Photo etching 2
    soft annealed 3
    soft annealed 3
  • Material
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Norway -
    Norway -
    Spain L-3140
    Spain L-3140
    Sweden -
    Sweden -
    United Kingdom BS L97
    United Kingdom BS L97
  • Mechanical surface treatment
    Blasting 1
    Blasting 1
    Brushing 2
    Brushing 2
    Dessinating 1
    Dessinating 1
    Grinding 2
    Grinding 2
    Polishing 1
    Polishing 1
  • Metallic coating
    Galvanising 2
    Galvanising 2
    Nickel coating 1
    Nickel coating 1
    Thermal spraying 3
    Thermal spraying 3
  • Organic coating
    Enamelling 5
    Enamelling 5
    Laminating 2
    Laminating 2
    Painting / Coating 3
    Painting / Coating 3
  • physical properties
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
  • Soldering
    Brazing 5
    Brazing 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Friction soldering 3
    Friction soldering 3
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
  • Welding
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Gas 5
    Gas 5
    Laser 5
    Laser 5
    MIG 5
    MIG 5
    Plasma 5
    Plasma 5
    Resistance spot welding 1
    Resistance spot welding 1
    TIG 5
    TIG 5
  • Aviation
    Aviation No
    Aviation No
  • Chemical specifications
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Other 0,05
    Other 0,05
    Rest Aluminium
    Rest Aluminium
    Si (to) 0.5
    Si (to) 0.5
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zr footnote reference f)
    Zr footnote reference f)

    a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) Einen Summengrenzwert für Zr + Ti von 0,25 max. gilt für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse, wenn dieser Wert zwischen Lieferant un Käufer vereinbart wurde.

  • Chemical surface treatment
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Chromating 2
    Chromating 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Hard anodising 3
    Hard anodising 3
    Phosphating 2
    Phosphating 2
    Pickling 2
    Pickling 2
  • Corrosion resistance
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
  • Cutting
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Sawing 2
    Sawing 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Waterjet cutting 1
    Waterjet cutting 1
  • Food industry
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
  • Forming
    Bending 4
    Bending 4
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Drop forging 4
    Drop forging 4
    Extruding 5
    Extruding 5
    Impact extrusion 4
    Impact extrusion 4
    Open die forging 3
    Open die forging 3
    Press 3
    Press 3
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
  • Heat treatment - Softannealing
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
  • Heat treatment - Solution annealing
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Quenching Wasser
    Quenching Wasser
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
  • Machining / Machinability
    dimensional stability 4
    dimensional stability 4
    Eroding 1
    Eroding 1
    Etching 2
    Etching 2
    hardened 2
    hardened 2
    Photo etching 2
    Photo etching 2
    soft annealed 3
    soft annealed 3
  • Material
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Norway -
    Norway -
    Spain L-3140
    Spain L-3140
    Sweden -
    Sweden -
    United Kingdom BS L97
    United Kingdom BS L97
  • Mechanical surface treatment
    Blasting 1
    Blasting 1
    Brushing 2
    Brushing 2
    Dessinating 1
    Dessinating 1
    Grinding 2
    Grinding 2
    Polishing 1
    Polishing 1
  • Metallic coating
    Galvanising 2
    Galvanising 2
    Nickel coating 1
    Nickel coating 1
    Thermal spraying 3
    Thermal spraying 3
  • Organic coating
    Enamelling 5
    Enamelling 5
    Laminating 2
    Laminating 2
    Painting / Coating 3
    Painting / Coating 3
  • physical properties
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
  • Soldering
    Brazing 5
    Brazing 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Friction soldering 3
    Friction soldering 3
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
  • Welding
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Gas 5
    Gas 5
    Laser 5
    Laser 5
    MIG 5
    MIG 5
    Plasma 5
    Plasma 5
    Resistance spot welding 1
    Resistance spot welding 1
    TIG 5
    TIG 5
  • Aviation
    Aviation No
    Aviation No
  • Chemical specifications
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Other 0,05
    Other 0,05
    Rest Aluminium
    Rest Aluminium
    Si (to) 0.5
    Si (to) 0.5
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zr footnote reference f)
    Zr footnote reference f)

    a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) Einen Summengrenzwert für Zr + Ti von 0,25 max. gilt für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse, wenn dieser Wert zwischen Lieferant un Käufer vereinbart wurde.

  • Chemical surface treatment
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Chromating 2
    Chromating 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Hard anodising 3
    Hard anodising 3
    Phosphating 2
    Phosphating 2
    Pickling 2
    Pickling 2
  • Corrosion resistance
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
  • Cutting
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Sawing 2
    Sawing 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Waterjet cutting 1
    Waterjet cutting 1
  • Food industry
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
  • Forming
    Bending 4
    Bending 4
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Drop forging 4
    Drop forging 4
    Extruding 5
    Extruding 5
    Impact extrusion 4
    Impact extrusion 4
    Open die forging 3
    Open die forging 3
    Press 3
    Press 3
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
  • Heat treatment - Softannealing
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
  • Heat treatment - Solution annealing
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Quenching Wasser
    Quenching Wasser
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
  • Machining / Machinability
    dimensional stability 4
    dimensional stability 4
    Eroding 1
    Eroding 1
    Etching 2
    Etching 2
    hardened 2
    hardened 2
    Photo etching 2
    Photo etching 2
    soft annealed 3
    soft annealed 3
  • Material
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Norway -
    Norway -
    Spain L-3140
    Spain L-3140
    Sweden -
    Sweden -
    United Kingdom BS L97
    United Kingdom BS L97
  • Mechanical surface treatment
    Blasting 1
    Blasting 1
    Brushing 2
    Brushing 2
    Dessinating 1
    Dessinating 1
    Grinding 2
    Grinding 2
    Polishing 1
    Polishing 1
  • Metallic coating
    Galvanising 2
    Galvanising 2
    Nickel coating 1
    Nickel coating 1
    Thermal spraying 3
    Thermal spraying 3
  • Organic coating
    Enamelling 5
    Enamelling 5
    Laminating 2
    Laminating 2
    Painting / Coating 3
    Painting / Coating 3
  • physical properties
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
  • Soldering
    Brazing 5
    Brazing 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Friction soldering 3
    Friction soldering 3
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
  • Welding
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Gas 5
    Gas 5
    Laser 5
    Laser 5
    MIG 5
    MIG 5
    Plasma 5
    Plasma 5
    Resistance spot welding 1
    Resistance spot welding 1
    TIG 5
    TIG 5
  • Aviation
    Aviation No
    Aviation No
  • Chemical specifications
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Other 0,05
    Other 0,05
    Rest Aluminium
    Rest Aluminium
    Si (to) 0.5
    Si (to) 0.5
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zr footnote reference f)
    Zr footnote reference f)

    a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) Einen Summengrenzwert für Zr + Ti von 0,25 max. gilt für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse, wenn dieser Wert zwischen Lieferant un Käufer vereinbart wurde.

  • Chemical surface treatment
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Chromating 2
    Chromating 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Hard anodising 3
    Hard anodising 3
    Phosphating 2
    Phosphating 2
    Pickling 2
    Pickling 2
  • Corrosion resistance
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
  • Cutting
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Sawing 2
    Sawing 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Waterjet cutting 1
    Waterjet cutting 1
  • Food industry
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
  • Forming
    Bending 4
    Bending 4
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Drop forging 4
    Drop forging 4
    Extruding 5
    Extruding 5
    Impact extrusion 4
    Impact extrusion 4
    Open die forging 3
    Open die forging 3
    Press 3
    Press 3
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
  • Heat treatment - Softannealing
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
  • Heat treatment - Solution annealing
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Quenching Wasser
    Quenching Wasser
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
  • Machining / Machinability
    dimensional stability 4
    dimensional stability 4
    Eroding 1
    Eroding 1
    Etching 2
    Etching 2
    hardened 2
    hardened 2
    Photo etching 2
    Photo etching 2
    soft annealed 3
    soft annealed 3
  • Material
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Norway -
    Norway -
    Spain L-3140
    Spain L-3140
    Sweden -
    Sweden -
    United Kingdom BS L97
    United Kingdom BS L97
  • Mechanical surface treatment
    Blasting 1
    Blasting 1
    Brushing 2
    Brushing 2
    Dessinating 1
    Dessinating 1
    Grinding 2
    Grinding 2
    Polishing 1
    Polishing 1
  • Metallic coating
    Galvanising 2
    Galvanising 2
    Nickel coating 1
    Nickel coating 1
    Thermal spraying 3
    Thermal spraying 3
  • Organic coating
    Enamelling 5
    Enamelling 5
    Laminating 2
    Laminating 2
    Painting / Coating 3
    Painting / Coating 3
  • physical properties
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
  • Soldering
    Brazing 5
    Brazing 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Friction soldering 3
    Friction soldering 3
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
  • Welding
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Gas 5
    Gas 5
    Laser 5
    Laser 5
    MIG 5
    MIG 5
    Plasma 5
    Plasma 5
    Resistance spot welding 1
    Resistance spot welding 1
    TIG 5
    TIG 5
  • Aviation
    Aviation No
    Aviation No
  • Chemical specifications
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Other 0,05
    Other 0,05
    Rest Aluminium
    Rest Aluminium
    Si (to) 0.5
    Si (to) 0.5
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zr footnote reference f)
    Zr footnote reference f)

    a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) Einen Summengrenzwert für Zr + Ti von 0,25 max. gilt für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse, wenn dieser Wert zwischen Lieferant un Käufer vereinbart wurde.

  • Chemical surface treatment
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Chromating 2
    Chromating 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Hard anodising 3
    Hard anodising 3
    Phosphating 2
    Phosphating 2
    Pickling 2
    Pickling 2
  • Corrosion resistance
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
  • Cutting
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Sawing 2
    Sawing 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Waterjet cutting 1
    Waterjet cutting 1
  • Food industry
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
  • Forming
    Bending 4
    Bending 4
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Drop forging 4
    Drop forging 4
    Extruding 5
    Extruding 5
    Impact extrusion 4
    Impact extrusion 4
    Open die forging 3
    Open die forging 3
    Press 3
    Press 3
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
  • Heat treatment - Softannealing
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
  • Heat treatment - Solution annealing
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Quenching Wasser
    Quenching Wasser
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
  • Machining / Machinability
    dimensional stability 4
    dimensional stability 4
    Eroding 1
    Eroding 1
    Etching 2
    Etching 2
    hardened 2
    hardened 2
    Photo etching 2
    Photo etching 2
    soft annealed 3
    soft annealed 3
  • Material
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Norway -
    Norway -
    Spain L-3140
    Spain L-3140
    Sweden -
    Sweden -
    United Kingdom BS L97
    United Kingdom BS L97
  • Mechanical surface treatment
    Blasting 1
    Blasting 1
    Brushing 2
    Brushing 2
    Dessinating 1
    Dessinating 1
    Grinding 2
    Grinding 2
    Polishing 1
    Polishing 1
  • Metallic coating
    Galvanising 2
    Galvanising 2
    Nickel coating 1
    Nickel coating 1
    Thermal spraying 3
    Thermal spraying 3
  • Organic coating
    Enamelling 5
    Enamelling 5
    Laminating 2
    Laminating 2
    Painting / Coating 3
    Painting / Coating 3
  • physical properties
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
  • Soldering
    Brazing 5
    Brazing 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Friction soldering 3
    Friction soldering 3
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
  • Welding
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Gas 5
    Gas 5
    Laser 5
    Laser 5
    MIG 5
    MIG 5
    Plasma 5
    Plasma 5
    Resistance spot welding 1
    Resistance spot welding 1
    TIG 5
    TIG 5
  • Aviation
    Aviation No
    Aviation No
  • Chemical specifications
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Other 0,05
    Other 0,05
    Rest Aluminium
    Rest Aluminium
    Si (to) 0.5
    Si (to) 0.5
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zr footnote reference f)
    Zr footnote reference f)

    a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) Einen Summengrenzwert für Zr + Ti von 0,25 max. gilt für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse, wenn dieser Wert zwischen Lieferant un Käufer vereinbart wurde.

  • Chemical surface treatment
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Chromating 2
    Chromating 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Hard anodising 3
    Hard anodising 3
    Phosphating 2
    Phosphating 2
    Pickling 2
    Pickling 2
  • Corrosion resistance
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
  • Cutting
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Sawing 2
    Sawing 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Waterjet cutting 1
    Waterjet cutting 1
  • Food industry
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
  • Forming
    Bending 4
    Bending 4
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Drop forging 4
    Drop forging 4
    Extruding 5
    Extruding 5
    Impact extrusion 4
    Impact extrusion 4
    Open die forging 3
    Open die forging 3
    Press 3
    Press 3
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
  • Heat treatment - Softannealing
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
  • Heat treatment - Solution annealing
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Quenching Wasser
    Quenching Wasser
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
  • Machining / Machinability
    dimensional stability 4
    dimensional stability 4
    Eroding 1
    Eroding 1
    Etching 2
    Etching 2
    hardened 2
    hardened 2
    Photo etching 2
    Photo etching 2
    soft annealed 3
    soft annealed 3
  • Material
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Norway -
    Norway -
    Spain L-3140
    Spain L-3140
    Sweden -
    Sweden -
    United Kingdom BS L97
    United Kingdom BS L97
  • Mechanical surface treatment
    Blasting 1
    Blasting 1
    Brushing 2
    Brushing 2
    Dessinating 1
    Dessinating 1
    Grinding 2
    Grinding 2
    Polishing 1
    Polishing 1
  • Metallic coating
    Galvanising 2
    Galvanising 2
    Nickel coating 1
    Nickel coating 1
    Thermal spraying 3
    Thermal spraying 3
  • Organic coating
    Enamelling 5
    Enamelling 5
    Laminating 2
    Laminating 2
    Painting / Coating 3
    Painting / Coating 3
  • physical properties
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
  • Soldering
    Brazing 5
    Brazing 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Friction soldering 3
    Friction soldering 3
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
  • Welding
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Gas 5
    Gas 5
    Laser 5
    Laser 5
    MIG 5
    MIG 5
    Plasma 5
    Plasma 5
    Resistance spot welding 1
    Resistance spot welding 1
    TIG 5
    TIG 5
  • Aviation
    Aviation No
    Aviation No
  • Chemical specifications
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Other 0,05
    Other 0,05
    Rest Aluminium
    Rest Aluminium
    Si (to) 0.5
    Si (to) 0.5
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zr footnote reference f)
    Zr footnote reference f)

    a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) Einen Summengrenzwert für Zr + Ti von 0,25 max. gilt für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse, wenn dieser Wert zwischen Lieferant un Käufer vereinbart wurde.

  • Chemical surface treatment
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Chromating 2
    Chromating 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Hard anodising 3
    Hard anodising 3
    Phosphating 2
    Phosphating 2
    Pickling 2
    Pickling 2
  • Corrosion resistance
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
  • Cutting
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Sawing 2
    Sawing 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Waterjet cutting 1
    Waterjet cutting 1
  • Food industry
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
  • Forming
    Bending 4
    Bending 4
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Drop forging 4
    Drop forging 4
    Extruding 5
    Extruding 5
    Impact extrusion 4
    Impact extrusion 4
    Open die forging 3
    Open die forging 3
    Press 3
    Press 3
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
  • Heat treatment - Softannealing
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
  • Heat treatment - Solution annealing
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Quenching Wasser
    Quenching Wasser
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
  • Machining / Machinability
    dimensional stability 4
    dimensional stability 4
    Eroding 1
    Eroding 1
    Etching 2
    Etching 2
    hardened 2
    hardened 2
    Photo etching 2
    Photo etching 2
    soft annealed 3
    soft annealed 3
  • Material
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Norway -
    Norway -
    Spain L-3140
    Spain L-3140
    Sweden -
    Sweden -
    United Kingdom BS L97
    United Kingdom BS L97
  • Mechanical surface treatment
    Blasting 1
    Blasting 1
    Brushing 2
    Brushing 2
    Dessinating 1
    Dessinating 1
    Grinding 2
    Grinding 2
    Polishing 1
    Polishing 1
  • Metallic coating
    Galvanising 2
    Galvanising 2
    Nickel coating 1
    Nickel coating 1
    Thermal spraying 3
    Thermal spraying 3
  • Organic coating
    Enamelling 5
    Enamelling 5
    Laminating 2
    Laminating 2
    Painting / Coating 3
    Painting / Coating 3
  • physical properties
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
  • Soldering
    Brazing 5
    Brazing 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Friction soldering 3
    Friction soldering 3
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
  • Welding
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Gas 5
    Gas 5
    Laser 5
    Laser 5
    MIG 5
    MIG 5
    Plasma 5
    Plasma 5
    Resistance spot welding 1
    Resistance spot welding 1
    TIG 5
    TIG 5
  • Aviation
    Aviation No
    Aviation No
  • Chemical specifications
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Other 0,05
    Other 0,05
    Rest Aluminium
    Rest Aluminium
    Si (to) 0.5
    Si (to) 0.5
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zr footnote reference f)
    Zr footnote reference f)

    a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) Einen Summengrenzwert für Zr + Ti von 0,25 max. gilt für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse, wenn dieser Wert zwischen Lieferant un Käufer vereinbart wurde.

  • Chemical surface treatment
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Chromating 2
    Chromating 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Hard anodising 3
    Hard anodising 3
    Phosphating 2
    Phosphating 2
    Pickling 2
    Pickling 2
  • Corrosion resistance
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
  • Cutting
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Sawing 2
    Sawing 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Waterjet cutting 1
    Waterjet cutting 1
  • Food industry
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
  • Forming
    Bending 4
    Bending 4
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Drop forging 4
    Drop forging 4
    Extruding 5
    Extruding 5
    Impact extrusion 4
    Impact extrusion 4
    Open die forging 3
    Open die forging 3
    Press 3
    Press 3
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
  • Heat treatment - Softannealing
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
  • Heat treatment - Solution annealing
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Quenching Wasser
    Quenching Wasser
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
  • Machining / Machinability
    dimensional stability 4
    dimensional stability 4
    Eroding 1
    Eroding 1
    Etching 2
    Etching 2
    hardened 2
    hardened 2
    Photo etching 2
    Photo etching 2
    soft annealed 3
    soft annealed 3
  • Material
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Norway -
    Norway -
    Spain L-3140
    Spain L-3140
    Sweden -
    Sweden -
    United Kingdom BS L97
    United Kingdom BS L97
  • Mechanical surface treatment
    Blasting 1
    Blasting 1
    Brushing 2
    Brushing 2
    Dessinating 1
    Dessinating 1
    Grinding 2
    Grinding 2
    Polishing 1
    Polishing 1
  • Metallic coating
    Galvanising 2
    Galvanising 2
    Nickel coating 1
    Nickel coating 1
    Thermal spraying 3
    Thermal spraying 3
  • Organic coating
    Enamelling 5
    Enamelling 5
    Laminating 2
    Laminating 2
    Painting / Coating 3
    Painting / Coating 3
  • physical properties
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
  • Soldering
    Brazing 5
    Brazing 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Friction soldering 3
    Friction soldering 3
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
  • Welding
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Gas 5
    Gas 5
    Laser 5
    Laser 5
    MIG 5
    MIG 5
    Plasma 5
    Plasma 5
    Resistance spot welding 1
    Resistance spot welding 1
    TIG 5
    TIG 5
  • Aviation
    Aviation No
    Aviation No
  • Chemical specifications
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Other 0,05
    Other 0,05
    Rest Aluminium
    Rest Aluminium
    Si (to) 0.5
    Si (to) 0.5
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zr footnote reference f)
    Zr footnote reference f)

    a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) Einen Summengrenzwert für Zr + Ti von 0,25 max. gilt für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse, wenn dieser Wert zwischen Lieferant un Käufer vereinbart wurde.

  • Chemical surface treatment
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Chromating 2
    Chromating 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Hard anodising 3
    Hard anodising 3
    Phosphating 2
    Phosphating 2
    Pickling 2
    Pickling 2
  • Corrosion resistance
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
  • Cutting
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Sawing 2
    Sawing 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Waterjet cutting 1
    Waterjet cutting 1
  • Food industry
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
  • Forming
    Bending 4
    Bending 4
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Drop forging 4
    Drop forging 4
    Extruding 5
    Extruding 5
    Impact extrusion 4
    Impact extrusion 4
    Open die forging 3
    Open die forging 3
    Press 3
    Press 3
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
  • Heat treatment - Softannealing
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
  • Heat treatment - Solution annealing
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Quenching Wasser
    Quenching Wasser
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
  • Machining / Machinability
    dimensional stability 4
    dimensional stability 4
    Eroding 1
    Eroding 1
    Etching 2
    Etching 2
    hardened 2
    hardened 2
    Photo etching 2
    Photo etching 2
    soft annealed 3
    soft annealed 3
  • Material
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Norway -
    Norway -
    Spain L-3140
    Spain L-3140
    Sweden -
    Sweden -
    United Kingdom BS L97
    United Kingdom BS L97
  • Mechanical surface treatment
    Blasting 1
    Blasting 1
    Brushing 2
    Brushing 2
    Dessinating 1
    Dessinating 1
    Grinding 2
    Grinding 2
    Polishing 1
    Polishing 1
  • Metallic coating
    Galvanising 2
    Galvanising 2
    Nickel coating 1
    Nickel coating 1
    Thermal spraying 3
    Thermal spraying 3
  • Organic coating
    Enamelling 5
    Enamelling 5
    Laminating 2
    Laminating 2
    Painting / Coating 3
    Painting / Coating 3
  • physical properties
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
  • Soldering
    Brazing 5
    Brazing 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Friction soldering 3
    Friction soldering 3
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
  • Welding
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Gas 5
    Gas 5
    Laser 5
    Laser 5
    MIG 5
    MIG 5
    Plasma 5
    Plasma 5
    Resistance spot welding 1
    Resistance spot welding 1
    TIG 5
    TIG 5
  • Aviation
    Aviation No
    Aviation No
  • Chemical specifications
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Other 0,05
    Other 0,05
    Rest Aluminium
    Rest Aluminium
    Si (to) 0.5
    Si (to) 0.5
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zr footnote reference f)
    Zr footnote reference f)

    a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) Einen Summengrenzwert für Zr + Ti von 0,25 max. gilt für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse, wenn dieser Wert zwischen Lieferant un Käufer vereinbart wurde.

  • Chemical surface treatment
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Chromating 2
    Chromating 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Hard anodising 3
    Hard anodising 3
    Phosphating 2
    Phosphating 2
    Pickling 2
    Pickling 2
  • Corrosion resistance
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
  • Cutting
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Sawing 2
    Sawing 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Waterjet cutting 1
    Waterjet cutting 1
  • Food industry
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
  • Forming
    Bending 4
    Bending 4
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Drop forging 4
    Drop forging 4
    Extruding 5
    Extruding 5
    Impact extrusion 4
    Impact extrusion 4
    Open die forging 3
    Open die forging 3
    Press 3
    Press 3
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
  • Heat treatment - Softannealing
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
  • Heat treatment - Solution annealing
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Quenching Wasser
    Quenching Wasser
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
  • Machining / Machinability
    dimensional stability 4
    dimensional stability 4
    Eroding 1
    Eroding 1
    Etching 2
    Etching 2
    hardened 2
    hardened 2
    Photo etching 2
    Photo etching 2
    soft annealed 3
    soft annealed 3
  • Material
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Norway -
    Norway -
    Spain L-3140
    Spain L-3140
    Sweden -
    Sweden -
    United Kingdom BS L97
    United Kingdom BS L97
  • Mechanical surface treatment
    Blasting 1
    Blasting 1
    Brushing 2
    Brushing 2
    Dessinating 1
    Dessinating 1
    Grinding 2
    Grinding 2
    Polishing 1
    Polishing 1
  • Metallic coating
    Galvanising 2
    Galvanising 2
    Nickel coating 1
    Nickel coating 1
    Thermal spraying 3
    Thermal spraying 3
  • Organic coating
    Enamelling 5
    Enamelling 5
    Laminating 2
    Laminating 2
    Painting / Coating 3
    Painting / Coating 3
  • physical properties
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
  • Soldering
    Brazing 5
    Brazing 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Friction soldering 3
    Friction soldering 3
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
  • Welding
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Gas 5
    Gas 5
    Laser 5
    Laser 5
    MIG 5
    MIG 5
    Plasma 5
    Plasma 5
    Resistance spot welding 1
    Resistance spot welding 1
    TIG 5
    TIG 5
  • Aviation
    Aviation No
    Aviation No
  • Chemical specifications
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Other 0,05
    Other 0,05
    Rest Aluminium
    Rest Aluminium
    Si (to) 0.5
    Si (to) 0.5
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zr footnote reference f)
    Zr footnote reference f)

    a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) Einen Summengrenzwert für Zr + Ti von 0,25 max. gilt für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse, wenn dieser Wert zwischen Lieferant un Käufer vereinbart wurde.

  • Chemical surface treatment
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Chromating 2
    Chromating 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Hard anodising 3
    Hard anodising 3
    Phosphating 2
    Phosphating 2
    Pickling 2
    Pickling 2
  • Corrosion resistance
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
  • Cutting
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Sawing 2
    Sawing 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Waterjet cutting 1
    Waterjet cutting 1
  • Food industry
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
  • Forming
    Bending 4
    Bending 4
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Drop forging 4
    Drop forging 4
    Extruding 5
    Extruding 5
    Impact extrusion 4
    Impact extrusion 4
    Open die forging 3
    Open die forging 3
    Press 3
    Press 3
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
  • Heat treatment - Softannealing
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
  • Heat treatment - Solution annealing
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Quenching Wasser
    Quenching Wasser
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
  • Machining / Machinability
    dimensional stability 4
    dimensional stability 4
    Eroding 1
    Eroding 1
    Etching 2
    Etching 2
    hardened 2
    hardened 2
    Photo etching 2
    Photo etching 2
    soft annealed 3
    soft annealed 3
  • Material
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Norway -
    Norway -
    Spain L-3140
    Spain L-3140
    Sweden -
    Sweden -
    United Kingdom BS L97
    United Kingdom BS L97
  • Mechanical surface treatment
    Blasting 1
    Blasting 1
    Brushing 2
    Brushing 2
    Dessinating 1
    Dessinating 1
    Grinding 2
    Grinding 2
    Polishing 1
    Polishing 1
  • Metallic coating
    Galvanising 2
    Galvanising 2
    Nickel coating 1
    Nickel coating 1
    Thermal spraying 3
    Thermal spraying 3
  • Organic coating
    Enamelling 5
    Enamelling 5
    Laminating 2
    Laminating 2
    Painting / Coating 3
    Painting / Coating 3
  • physical properties
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
  • Soldering
    Brazing 5
    Brazing 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Friction soldering 3
    Friction soldering 3
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
  • Welding
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Gas 5
    Gas 5
    Laser 5
    Laser 5
    MIG 5
    MIG 5
    Plasma 5
    Plasma 5
    Resistance spot welding 1
    Resistance spot welding 1
    TIG 5
    TIG 5
  • Aviation
    Aviation No
    Aviation No
  • Chemical specifications
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Other 0,05
    Other 0,05
    Rest Aluminium
    Rest Aluminium
    Si (to) 0.5
    Si (to) 0.5
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zr footnote reference f)
    Zr footnote reference f)

    a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) Einen Summengrenzwert für Zr + Ti von 0,25 max. gilt für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse, wenn dieser Wert zwischen Lieferant un Käufer vereinbart wurde.

  • Chemical surface treatment
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Chromating 2
    Chromating 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Hard anodising 3
    Hard anodising 3
    Phosphating 2
    Phosphating 2
    Pickling 2
    Pickling 2
  • Corrosion resistance
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
  • Cutting
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Sawing 2
    Sawing 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Waterjet cutting 1
    Waterjet cutting 1
  • Food industry
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
  • Forming
    Bending 4
    Bending 4
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Drop forging 4
    Drop forging 4
    Extruding 5
    Extruding 5
    Impact extrusion 4
    Impact extrusion 4
    Open die forging 3
    Open die forging 3
    Press 3
    Press 3
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
  • Heat treatment - Softannealing
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
  • Heat treatment - Solution annealing
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Quenching Wasser
    Quenching Wasser
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
  • Machining / Machinability
    dimensional stability 4
    dimensional stability 4
    Eroding 1
    Eroding 1
    Etching 2
    Etching 2
    hardened 2
    hardened 2
    Photo etching 2
    Photo etching 2
    soft annealed 3
    soft annealed 3
  • Material
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Norway -
    Norway -
    Spain L-3140
    Spain L-3140
    Sweden -
    Sweden -
    United Kingdom BS L97
    United Kingdom BS L97
  • Mechanical surface treatment
    Blasting 1
    Blasting 1
    Brushing 2
    Brushing 2
    Dessinating 1
    Dessinating 1
    Grinding 2
    Grinding 2
    Polishing 1
    Polishing 1
  • Metallic coating
    Galvanising 2
    Galvanising 2
    Nickel coating 1
    Nickel coating 1
    Thermal spraying 3
    Thermal spraying 3
  • Organic coating
    Enamelling 5
    Enamelling 5
    Laminating 2
    Laminating 2
    Painting / Coating 3
    Painting / Coating 3
  • physical properties
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
  • Soldering
    Brazing 5
    Brazing 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Friction soldering 3
    Friction soldering 3
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
  • Welding
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Gas 5
    Gas 5
    Laser 5
    Laser 5
    MIG 5
    MIG 5
    Plasma 5
    Plasma 5
    Resistance spot welding 1
    Resistance spot welding 1
    TIG 5
    TIG 5
  • Aviation
    Aviation No
    Aviation No
  • Chemical specifications
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Other 0,05
    Other 0,05
    Rest Aluminium
    Rest Aluminium
    Si (to) 0.5
    Si (to) 0.5
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zr footnote reference f)
    Zr footnote reference f)

    a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) Einen Summengrenzwert für Zr + Ti von 0,25 max. gilt für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse, wenn dieser Wert zwischen Lieferant un Käufer vereinbart wurde.

  • Chemical surface treatment
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Chromating 2
    Chromating 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Hard anodising 3
    Hard anodising 3
    Phosphating 2
    Phosphating 2
    Pickling 2
    Pickling 2
  • Corrosion resistance
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
  • Cutting
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Sawing 2
    Sawing 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Waterjet cutting 1
    Waterjet cutting 1
  • Food industry
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
  • Forming
    Bending 4
    Bending 4
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Drop forging 4
    Drop forging 4
    Extruding 5
    Extruding 5
    Impact extrusion 4
    Impact extrusion 4
    Open die forging 3
    Open die forging 3
    Press 3
    Press 3
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
  • Heat treatment - Softannealing
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
  • Heat treatment - Solution annealing
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Quenching Wasser
    Quenching Wasser
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
  • Machining / Machinability
    dimensional stability 4
    dimensional stability 4
    Eroding 1
    Eroding 1
    Etching 2
    Etching 2
    hardened 2
    hardened 2
    Photo etching 2
    Photo etching 2
    soft annealed 3
    soft annealed 3
  • Material
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Norway -
    Norway -
    Spain L-3140
    Spain L-3140
    Sweden -
    Sweden -
    United Kingdom BS L97
    United Kingdom BS L97
  • Mechanical surface treatment
    Blasting 1
    Blasting 1
    Brushing 2
    Brushing 2
    Dessinating 1
    Dessinating 1
    Grinding 2
    Grinding 2
    Polishing 1
    Polishing 1
  • Metallic coating
    Galvanising 2
    Galvanising 2
    Nickel coating 1
    Nickel coating 1
    Thermal spraying 3
    Thermal spraying 3
  • Organic coating
    Enamelling 5
    Enamelling 5
    Laminating 2
    Laminating 2
    Painting / Coating 3
    Painting / Coating 3
  • physical properties
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
  • Soldering
    Brazing 5
    Brazing 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Friction soldering 3
    Friction soldering 3
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
  • Welding
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Gas 5
    Gas 5
    Laser 5
    Laser 5
    MIG 5
    MIG 5
    Plasma 5
    Plasma 5
    Resistance spot welding 1
    Resistance spot welding 1
    TIG 5
    TIG 5
  • Aviation
    Aviation No
    Aviation No
  • Chemical specifications
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Other 0,05
    Other 0,05
    Rest Aluminium
    Rest Aluminium
    Si (to) 0.5
    Si (to) 0.5
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zr footnote reference f)
    Zr footnote reference f)

    a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) Einen Summengrenzwert für Zr + Ti von 0,25 max. gilt für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse, wenn dieser Wert zwischen Lieferant un Käufer vereinbart wurde.

  • Chemical surface treatment
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Chromating 2
    Chromating 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Hard anodising 3
    Hard anodising 3
    Phosphating 2
    Phosphating 2
    Pickling 2
    Pickling 2
  • Corrosion resistance
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
  • Cutting
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Sawing 2
    Sawing 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Waterjet cutting 1
    Waterjet cutting 1
  • Food industry
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
  • Forming
    Bending 4
    Bending 4
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Drop forging 4
    Drop forging 4
    Extruding 5
    Extruding 5
    Impact extrusion 4
    Impact extrusion 4
    Open die forging 3
    Open die forging 3
    Press 3
    Press 3
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
  • Heat treatment - Softannealing
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
  • Heat treatment - Solution annealing
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Quenching Wasser
    Quenching Wasser
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
  • Machining / Machinability
    dimensional stability 4
    dimensional stability 4
    Eroding 1
    Eroding 1
    Etching 2
    Etching 2
    hardened 2
    hardened 2
    Photo etching 2
    Photo etching 2
    soft annealed 3
    soft annealed 3
  • Material
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Norway -
    Norway -
    Spain L-3140
    Spain L-3140
    Sweden -
    Sweden -
    United Kingdom BS L97
    United Kingdom BS L97
  • Mechanical surface treatment
    Blasting 1
    Blasting 1
    Brushing 2
    Brushing 2
    Dessinating 1
    Dessinating 1
    Grinding 2
    Grinding 2
    Polishing 1
    Polishing 1
  • Metallic coating
    Galvanising 2
    Galvanising 2
    Nickel coating 1
    Nickel coating 1
    Thermal spraying 3
    Thermal spraying 3
  • Organic coating
    Enamelling 5
    Enamelling 5
    Laminating 2
    Laminating 2
    Painting / Coating 3
    Painting / Coating 3
  • physical properties
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
  • Soldering
    Brazing 5
    Brazing 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Friction soldering 3
    Friction soldering 3
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
  • Welding
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Gas 5
    Gas 5
    Laser 5
    Laser 5
    MIG 5
    MIG 5
    Plasma 5
    Plasma 5
    Resistance spot welding 1
    Resistance spot welding 1
    TIG 5
    TIG 5
  • Aviation
    Aviation No
    Aviation No
  • Chemical specifications
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Other 0,05
    Other 0,05
    Rest Aluminium
    Rest Aluminium
    Si (to) 0.5
    Si (to) 0.5
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zr footnote reference f)
    Zr footnote reference f)

    a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) Einen Summengrenzwert für Zr + Ti von 0,25 max. gilt für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse, wenn dieser Wert zwischen Lieferant un Käufer vereinbart wurde.

  • Chemical surface treatment
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Chromating 2
    Chromating 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Hard anodising 3
    Hard anodising 3
    Phosphating 2
    Phosphating 2
    Pickling 2
    Pickling 2
  • Corrosion resistance
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
  • Cutting
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Sawing 2
    Sawing 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Waterjet cutting 1
    Waterjet cutting 1
  • Food industry
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
  • Forming
    Bending 4
    Bending 4
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Drop forging 4
    Drop forging 4
    Extruding 5
    Extruding 5
    Impact extrusion 4
    Impact extrusion 4
    Open die forging 3
    Open die forging 3
    Press 3
    Press 3
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
  • Heat treatment - Softannealing
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
  • Heat treatment - Solution annealing
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Quenching Wasser
    Quenching Wasser
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
  • Machining / Machinability
    dimensional stability 4
    dimensional stability 4
    Eroding 1
    Eroding 1
    Etching 2
    Etching 2
    hardened 2
    hardened 2
    Photo etching 2
    Photo etching 2
    soft annealed 3
    soft annealed 3
  • Material
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Norway -
    Norway -
    Spain L-3140
    Spain L-3140
    Sweden -
    Sweden -
    United Kingdom BS L97
    United Kingdom BS L97
  • Mechanical surface treatment
    Blasting 1
    Blasting 1
    Brushing 2
    Brushing 2
    Dessinating 1
    Dessinating 1
    Grinding 2
    Grinding 2
    Polishing 1
    Polishing 1
  • Metallic coating
    Galvanising 2
    Galvanising 2
    Nickel coating 1
    Nickel coating 1
    Thermal spraying 3
    Thermal spraying 3
  • Organic coating
    Enamelling 5
    Enamelling 5
    Laminating 2
    Laminating 2
    Painting / Coating 3
    Painting / Coating 3
  • physical properties
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
  • Soldering
    Brazing 5
    Brazing 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Friction soldering 3
    Friction soldering 3
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
  • Welding
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Gas 5
    Gas 5
    Laser 5
    Laser 5
    MIG 5
    MIG 5
    Plasma 5
    Plasma 5
    Resistance spot welding 1
    Resistance spot welding 1
    TIG 5
    TIG 5
  • Aviation
    Aviation No
    Aviation No
  • Chemical specifications
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Other 0,05
    Other 0,05
    Rest Aluminium
    Rest Aluminium
    Si (to) 0.5
    Si (to) 0.5
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zr footnote reference f)
    Zr footnote reference f)

    a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) Einen Summengrenzwert für Zr + Ti von 0,25 max. gilt für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse, wenn dieser Wert zwischen Lieferant un Käufer vereinbart wurde.

  • Chemical surface treatment
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Chromating 2
    Chromating 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Hard anodising 3
    Hard anodising 3
    Phosphating 2
    Phosphating 2
    Pickling 2
    Pickling 2
  • Corrosion resistance
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
  • Cutting
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Sawing 2
    Sawing 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Waterjet cutting 1
    Waterjet cutting 1
  • Food industry
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
  • Forming
    Bending 4
    Bending 4
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Drop forging 4
    Drop forging 4
    Extruding 5
    Extruding 5
    Impact extrusion 4
    Impact extrusion 4
    Open die forging 3
    Open die forging 3
    Press 3
    Press 3
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
  • Heat treatment - Softannealing
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
  • Heat treatment - Solution annealing
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Quenching Wasser
    Quenching Wasser
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
  • Machining / Machinability
    dimensional stability 4
    dimensional stability 4
    Eroding 1
    Eroding 1
    Etching 2
    Etching 2
    hardened 2
    hardened 2
    Photo etching 2
    Photo etching 2
    soft annealed 3
    soft annealed 3
  • Material
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Norway -
    Norway -
    Spain L-3140
    Spain L-3140
    Sweden -
    Sweden -
    United Kingdom BS L97
    United Kingdom BS L97
  • Mechanical surface treatment
    Blasting 1
    Blasting 1
    Brushing 2
    Brushing 2
    Dessinating 1
    Dessinating 1
    Grinding 2
    Grinding 2
    Polishing 1
    Polishing 1
  • Metallic coating
    Galvanising 2
    Galvanising 2
    Nickel coating 1
    Nickel coating 1
    Thermal spraying 3
    Thermal spraying 3
  • Organic coating
    Enamelling 5
    Enamelling 5
    Laminating 2
    Laminating 2
    Painting / Coating 3
    Painting / Coating 3
  • physical properties
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
  • Soldering
    Brazing 5
    Brazing 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Friction soldering 3
    Friction soldering 3
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
  • Welding
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Gas 5
    Gas 5
    Laser 5
    Laser 5
    MIG 5
    MIG 5
    Plasma 5
    Plasma 5
    Resistance spot welding 1
    Resistance spot welding 1
    TIG 5
    TIG 5
  • Aviation
    Aviation No
    Aviation No
  • Chemical specifications
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Other 0,05
    Other 0,05
    Rest Aluminium
    Rest Aluminium
    Si (to) 0.5
    Si (to) 0.5
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zr footnote reference f)
    Zr footnote reference f)

    a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) Einen Summengrenzwert für Zr + Ti von 0,25 max. gilt für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse, wenn dieser Wert zwischen Lieferant un Käufer vereinbart wurde.

  • Chemical surface treatment
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Chromating 2
    Chromating 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Hard anodising 3
    Hard anodising 3
    Phosphating 2
    Phosphating 2
    Pickling 2
    Pickling 2
  • Corrosion resistance
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
  • Cutting
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Sawing 2
    Sawing 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Waterjet cutting 1
    Waterjet cutting 1
  • Food industry
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
  • Forming
    Bending 4
    Bending 4
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Drop forging 4
    Drop forging 4
    Extruding 5
    Extruding 5
    Impact extrusion 4
    Impact extrusion 4
    Open die forging 3
    Open die forging 3
    Press 3
    Press 3
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
  • Heat treatment - Softannealing
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
  • Heat treatment - Solution annealing
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Quenching Wasser
    Quenching Wasser
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
  • Machining / Machinability
    dimensional stability 4
    dimensional stability 4
    Eroding 1
    Eroding 1
    Etching 2
    Etching 2
    hardened 2
    hardened 2
    Photo etching 2
    Photo etching 2
    soft annealed 3
    soft annealed 3
  • Material
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Norway -
    Norway -
    Spain L-3140
    Spain L-3140
    Sweden -
    Sweden -
    United Kingdom BS L97
    United Kingdom BS L97
  • Mechanical surface treatment
    Blasting 1
    Blasting 1
    Brushing 2
    Brushing 2
    Dessinating 1
    Dessinating 1
    Grinding 2
    Grinding 2
    Polishing 1
    Polishing 1
  • Metallic coating
    Galvanising 2
    Galvanising 2
    Nickel coating 1
    Nickel coating 1
    Thermal spraying 3
    Thermal spraying 3
  • Organic coating
    Enamelling 5
    Enamelling 5
    Laminating 2
    Laminating 2
    Painting / Coating 3
    Painting / Coating 3
  • physical properties
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
  • Soldering
    Brazing 5
    Brazing 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Friction soldering 3
    Friction soldering 3
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
  • Welding
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Gas 5
    Gas 5
    Laser 5
    Laser 5
    MIG 5
    MIG 5
    Plasma 5
    Plasma 5
    Resistance spot welding 1
    Resistance spot welding 1
    TIG 5
    TIG 5
  • Aviation
    Aviation No
    Aviation No
  • Chemical specifications
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Other 0,05
    Other 0,05
    Rest Aluminium
    Rest Aluminium
    Si (to) 0.5
    Si (to) 0.5
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zr footnote reference f)
    Zr footnote reference f)

    a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) Einen Summengrenzwert für Zr + Ti von 0,25 max. gilt für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse, wenn dieser Wert zwischen Lieferant un Käufer vereinbart wurde.

  • Chemical surface treatment
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Chromating 2
    Chromating 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Hard anodising 3
    Hard anodising 3
    Phosphating 2
    Phosphating 2
    Pickling 2
    Pickling 2
  • Corrosion resistance
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
  • Cutting
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Sawing 2
    Sawing 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Waterjet cutting 1
    Waterjet cutting 1
  • Food industry
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
  • Forming
    Bending 4
    Bending 4
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Drop forging 4
    Drop forging 4
    Extruding 5
    Extruding 5
    Impact extrusion 4
    Impact extrusion 4
    Open die forging 3
    Open die forging 3
    Press 3
    Press 3
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
  • Heat treatment - Softannealing
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
  • Heat treatment - Solution annealing
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Quenching Wasser
    Quenching Wasser
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
  • Machining / Machinability
    dimensional stability 4
    dimensional stability 4
    Eroding 1
    Eroding 1
    Etching 2
    Etching 2
    hardened 2
    hardened 2
    Photo etching 2
    Photo etching 2
    soft annealed 3
    soft annealed 3
  • Material
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Norway -
    Norway -
    Spain L-3140
    Spain L-3140
    Sweden -
    Sweden -
    United Kingdom BS L97
    United Kingdom BS L97
  • Mechanical surface treatment
    Blasting 1
    Blasting 1
    Brushing 2
    Brushing 2
    Dessinating 1
    Dessinating 1
    Grinding 2
    Grinding 2
    Polishing 1
    Polishing 1
  • Metallic coating
    Galvanising 2
    Galvanising 2
    Nickel coating 1
    Nickel coating 1
    Thermal spraying 3
    Thermal spraying 3
  • Organic coating
    Enamelling 5
    Enamelling 5
    Laminating 2
    Laminating 2
    Painting / Coating 3
    Painting / Coating 3
  • physical properties
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
  • Soldering
    Brazing 5
    Brazing 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Friction soldering 3
    Friction soldering 3
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
  • Welding
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Gas 5
    Gas 5
    Laser 5
    Laser 5
    MIG 5
    MIG 5
    Plasma 5
    Plasma 5
    Resistance spot welding 1
    Resistance spot welding 1
    TIG 5
    TIG 5
  • Aviation
    Aviation No
    Aviation No
  • Chemical specifications
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cr (to) 0.1
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (from) 3.8
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Cu (to) 4.9
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Fe (to) 0.5
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (from) 1.2
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mg (to) 1.8
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (from) 0.3
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Mn (to) 0.9
    Other 0,05
    Other 0,05
    Rest Aluminium
    Rest Aluminium
    Si (to) 0.5
    Si (to) 0.5
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti footnote reference f)
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Ti (to) 0.15
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Total 0,15 a) b) f)
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zn (to) 0.25
    Zr footnote reference f)
    Zr footnote reference f)

    a) Schließt alle aufgeführten Elemente ein, für die keine Grenzwerte angegeben sind. b) Die Summe dieser "Anderen Beimengungen", deren Masseanteil einzeln 0,010 % oder mehr beträgt, wird mit zwei Dezimalstellen vor der Summenbildung ausgedrückt. f) Einen Summengrenzwert für Zr + Ti von 0,25 max. gilt für geschmiedete oder stranggepresste Erzeugnisse, wenn dieser Wert zwischen Lieferant un Käufer vereinbart wurde.

  • Chemical surface treatment
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodise - decorative 5
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Anodising - protective anodising 2
    Chromating 2
    Chromating 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Cleaning / degreasing 2
    Hard anodising 3
    Hard anodising 3
    Phosphating 2
    Phosphating 2
    Pickling 2
    Pickling 2
  • Corrosion resistance
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Normal atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
    Seawater atmosphere 4
  • Cutting
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Laser cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Plasma cutting 4.5
    Sawing 2
    Sawing 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Shear cutting 2
    Waterjet cutting 1
    Waterjet cutting 1
  • Food industry
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
  • Forming
    Bending 4
    Bending 4
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Deep drawing (conditional) 3
    Drop forging 4
    Drop forging 4
    Extruding 5
    Extruding 5
    Impact extrusion 4
    Impact extrusion 4
    Open die forging 3
    Open die forging 3
    Press 3
    Press 3
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
    Upsetting (Conditional) 4
  • Heat treatment - Softannealing
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature max. 420 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Annealing temperature min. 380 °C
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
    Cooling conditions ≤ 30°C/h bis 250°C,
    unterhalb 250°C an der Luft
  • Heat treatment - Solution annealing
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing condition Storage at room temperature T3...; T4...., or
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing max. 8 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Cold ageing min. 5 d
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing max. 24 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heat ageing min. 16 h
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature max. 195 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Heating temperature min. 180 °C
    Quenching Wasser
    Quenching Wasser
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time max. 3 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Heating time min. 2 h
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing max. 505 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
    Solution annealing min. 495 °C
  • Machining / Machinability
    dimensional stability 4
    dimensional stability 4
    Eroding 1
    Eroding 1
    Etching 2
    Etching 2
    hardened 2
    hardened 2
    Photo etching 2
    Photo etching 2
    soft annealed 3
    soft annealed 3
  • Material
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Colorcode Reinorange (RAL 2004)
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Al Cu4 Mg1
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN 3.1355
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    DIN (old designation) Al Cu Mg2
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    France AFNOR A-U4G1
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Italy UNI 9002/4
    Norway -
    Norway -
    Spain L-3140
    Spain L-3140
    Sweden -
    Sweden -
    United Kingdom BS L97
    United Kingdom BS L97
  • Mechanical surface treatment
    Blasting 1
    Blasting 1
    Brushing 2
    Brushing 2
    Dessinating 1
    Dessinating 1
    Grinding 2
    Grinding 2
    Polishing 1
    Polishing 1
  • Metallic coating
    Galvanising 2
    Galvanising 2
    Nickel coating 1
    Nickel coating 1
    Thermal spraying 3
    Thermal spraying 3
  • Organic coating
    Enamelling 5
    Enamelling 5
    Laminating 2
    Laminating 2
    Painting / Coating 3
    Painting / Coating 3
  • physical properties
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 22.9 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 23.8 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 24.7 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from -50 to 20°C 21.1 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Density 2.77 g/cm³
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity max. 21 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Electrical conductivity min. 18 m/Ω*mm²
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Shear modulus 27.4 GPa
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat 875 J/(kg·K)
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity max. 150 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity min. 130 W/m*K
  • Soldering
    Brazing 5
    Brazing 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Brazing with flux 5
    Friction soldering 3
    Friction soldering 3
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
    Soft soldering with flux 5
  • Welding
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction stir welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Friction welding 2
    Gas 5
    Gas 5
    Laser 5
    Laser 5
    MIG 5
    MIG 5
    Plasma 5
    Plasma 5
    Resistance spot welding 1
    Resistance spot welding 1
    TIG 5
    TIG 5

1 very good
2 good
3 moderate
4 poor
5 unsuited
0 Not specified