
flat bar

A technical illustration of the product with dimensions of the material CW106C from the material Copper in the shape flat bar
  • Form flat bar
  • Material Copper
  • Material CW106C
  • Material chemically EN 573-3 Cu Cr1 Zr
An image of the material CW106C from the material Copper in the shape flat bar
A technical illustration of the product of the material CW106C from the material Copper in the shape flat bar

Information about the material

  • Aviation
    Aviation No
  • Chemical specifications
    Cr (from) 0.5
    Cr (to) 1.2
    Fe (from) 0.08
    Fe (to) 0.08
    Other 0.2
    Rest Cu
    Si (to) 0.1
    Zr (from) 0.03
    Zr (to) 0.3

    CuCr1Zr weist eine gute Kaltumformung und eine gute Warmumformung auf. CuCr1Zr hat eine mäßige Spanbarkeit. CuCr1Zr besitzt gegenüber Kupfer im lösungsgeglühten,
    homogenen Zustand eine erhöhte Anlaufbeständigkeit. CuCr1Zr ist beständig gegen Industrieatmosphäre, Brauchund Trinkwasser (Strömungsgeschwindigkeit max. 1,5 m/s),
    reinen Wasserdampf, nicht oxidierende Säuren (ohne
    gelösten Sauerstoff) und neutrale Salzlösungen.

  • Food industry
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
  • Material
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Cu Cr1 Zr
    Material no CW106C (former: 2.1293)
  • physical properties
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 16.3 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 17 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 17.6 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Density 8.91 g/cm³
    Modulus of elasticity at 20°C 90 GPa
    Specific electrical conductivity at 100°C 36 m/Ω*mm²
    Specific electrical conductivity at 20°C 43 m/Ω*mm²
    Specific electrical conductivity at 200°C 28 m/Ω*mm²
    Specific electrical resistance at 100°C 0.028 Ω*mm²/m
    Specific electrical resistance at 20°C 0.023 Ω*mm²/m
    Specific electrical resistance at 200°C 0.036 Ω*mm²/m
    Specific heat at 100°C 0.45 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at 20°C 0.37 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at 200°C 0.48 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at -200°C 0 J/(kg·K)
    Thermal conductivity at 100°C 315 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity at 20°C 330 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity at 200°C 324 W/m*K
  • Welding
    Gas 6
    MIG 5
    Resistance spot welding 2
    TIG 5
  • Aviation
    Aviation No
    Aviation No
  • Chemical specifications
    Cr (from) 0.5
    Cr (from) 0.5
    Cr (to) 1.2
    Cr (to) 1.2
    Fe (from) 0.08
    Fe (from) 0.08
    Fe (to) 0.08
    Fe (to) 0.08
    Other 0.2
    Other 0.2
    Rest Cu
    Rest Cu
    Si (to) 0.1
    Si (to) 0.1
    Zr (from) 0.03
    Zr (from) 0.03
    Zr (to) 0.3
    Zr (to) 0.3

    CuCr1Zr weist eine gute Kaltumformung und eine gute Warmumformung auf. CuCr1Zr hat eine mäßige Spanbarkeit. CuCr1Zr besitzt gegenüber Kupfer im lösungsgeglühten,
    homogenen Zustand eine erhöhte Anlaufbeständigkeit. CuCr1Zr ist beständig gegen Industrieatmosphäre, Brauchund Trinkwasser (Strömungsgeschwindigkeit max. 1,5 m/s),
    reinen Wasserdampf, nicht oxidierende Säuren (ohne
    gelösten Sauerstoff) und neutrale Salzlösungen.

  • Food industry
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
  • Material
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Cu Cr1 Zr
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Cu Cr1 Zr
    Material no CW106C (former: 2.1293)
    Material no CW106C (former: 2.1293)
  • physical properties
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 16.3 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 16.3 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 17 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 17 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 17.6 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 17.6 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Density 8.91 g/cm³
    Density 8.91 g/cm³
    Modulus of elasticity at 20°C 90 GPa
    Modulus of elasticity at 20°C 90 GPa
    Specific electrical conductivity at 100°C 36 m/Ω*mm²
    Specific electrical conductivity at 100°C 36 m/Ω*mm²
    Specific electrical conductivity at 20°C 43 m/Ω*mm²
    Specific electrical conductivity at 20°C 43 m/Ω*mm²
    Specific electrical conductivity at 200°C 28 m/Ω*mm²
    Specific electrical conductivity at 200°C 28 m/Ω*mm²
    Specific electrical resistance at 100°C 0.028 Ω*mm²/m
    Specific electrical resistance at 100°C 0.028 Ω*mm²/m
    Specific electrical resistance at 20°C 0.023 Ω*mm²/m
    Specific electrical resistance at 20°C 0.023 Ω*mm²/m
    Specific electrical resistance at 200°C 0.036 Ω*mm²/m
    Specific electrical resistance at 200°C 0.036 Ω*mm²/m
    Specific heat at 100°C 0.45 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at 100°C 0.45 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at 20°C 0.37 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at 20°C 0.37 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at 200°C 0.48 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at 200°C 0.48 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at -200°C 0 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at -200°C 0 J/(kg·K)
    Thermal conductivity at 100°C 315 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity at 100°C 315 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity at 20°C 330 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity at 20°C 330 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity at 200°C 324 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity at 200°C 324 W/m*K
  • Welding
    Gas 6
    Gas 6
    MIG 5
    MIG 5
    Resistance spot welding 2
    Resistance spot welding 2
    TIG 5
    TIG 5
  • Aviation
    Aviation No
    Aviation No
  • Chemical specifications
    Cr (from) 0.5
    Cr (from) 0.5
    Cr (to) 1.2
    Cr (to) 1.2
    Fe (from) 0.08
    Fe (from) 0.08
    Fe (to) 0.08
    Fe (to) 0.08
    Other 0.2
    Other 0.2
    Rest Cu
    Rest Cu
    Si (to) 0.1
    Si (to) 0.1
    Zr (from) 0.03
    Zr (from) 0.03
    Zr (to) 0.3
    Zr (to) 0.3

    CuCr1Zr weist eine gute Kaltumformung und eine gute Warmumformung auf. CuCr1Zr hat eine mäßige Spanbarkeit. CuCr1Zr besitzt gegenüber Kupfer im lösungsgeglühten,
    homogenen Zustand eine erhöhte Anlaufbeständigkeit. CuCr1Zr ist beständig gegen Industrieatmosphäre, Brauchund Trinkwasser (Strömungsgeschwindigkeit max. 1,5 m/s),
    reinen Wasserdampf, nicht oxidierende Säuren (ohne
    gelösten Sauerstoff) und neutrale Salzlösungen.

  • Food industry
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
  • Material
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Cu Cr1 Zr
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Cu Cr1 Zr
    Material no CW106C (former: 2.1293)
    Material no CW106C (former: 2.1293)
  • physical properties
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 16.3 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 16.3 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 17 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 17 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 17.6 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 17.6 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Density 8.91 g/cm³
    Density 8.91 g/cm³
    Modulus of elasticity at 20°C 90 GPa
    Modulus of elasticity at 20°C 90 GPa
    Specific electrical conductivity at 100°C 36 m/Ω*mm²
    Specific electrical conductivity at 100°C 36 m/Ω*mm²
    Specific electrical conductivity at 20°C 43 m/Ω*mm²
    Specific electrical conductivity at 20°C 43 m/Ω*mm²
    Specific electrical conductivity at 200°C 28 m/Ω*mm²
    Specific electrical conductivity at 200°C 28 m/Ω*mm²
    Specific electrical resistance at 100°C 0.028 Ω*mm²/m
    Specific electrical resistance at 100°C 0.028 Ω*mm²/m
    Specific electrical resistance at 20°C 0.023 Ω*mm²/m
    Specific electrical resistance at 20°C 0.023 Ω*mm²/m
    Specific electrical resistance at 200°C 0.036 Ω*mm²/m
    Specific electrical resistance at 200°C 0.036 Ω*mm²/m
    Specific heat at 100°C 0.45 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at 100°C 0.45 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at 20°C 0.37 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at 20°C 0.37 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at 200°C 0.48 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at 200°C 0.48 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at -200°C 0 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at -200°C 0 J/(kg·K)
    Thermal conductivity at 100°C 315 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity at 100°C 315 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity at 20°C 330 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity at 20°C 330 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity at 200°C 324 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity at 200°C 324 W/m*K
  • Welding
    Gas 6
    Gas 6
    MIG 5
    MIG 5
    Resistance spot welding 2
    Resistance spot welding 2
    TIG 5
    TIG 5
  • Aviation
    Aviation No
    Aviation No
  • Chemical specifications
    Cr (from) 0.5
    Cr (from) 0.5
    Cr (to) 1.2
    Cr (to) 1.2
    Fe (from) 0.08
    Fe (from) 0.08
    Fe (to) 0.08
    Fe (to) 0.08
    Other 0.2
    Other 0.2
    Rest Cu
    Rest Cu
    Si (to) 0.1
    Si (to) 0.1
    Zr (from) 0.03
    Zr (from) 0.03
    Zr (to) 0.3
    Zr (to) 0.3

    CuCr1Zr weist eine gute Kaltumformung und eine gute Warmumformung auf. CuCr1Zr hat eine mäßige Spanbarkeit. CuCr1Zr besitzt gegenüber Kupfer im lösungsgeglühten,
    homogenen Zustand eine erhöhte Anlaufbeständigkeit. CuCr1Zr ist beständig gegen Industrieatmosphäre, Brauchund Trinkwasser (Strömungsgeschwindigkeit max. 1,5 m/s),
    reinen Wasserdampf, nicht oxidierende Säuren (ohne
    gelösten Sauerstoff) und neutrale Salzlösungen.

  • Food industry
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
  • Material
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Cu Cr1 Zr
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Cu Cr1 Zr
    Material no CW106C (former: 2.1293)
    Material no CW106C (former: 2.1293)
  • physical properties
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 16.3 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 16.3 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 17 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 17 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 17.6 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 17.6 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Density 8.91 g/cm³
    Density 8.91 g/cm³
    Modulus of elasticity at 20°C 90 GPa
    Modulus of elasticity at 20°C 90 GPa
    Specific electrical conductivity at 100°C 36 m/Ω*mm²
    Specific electrical conductivity at 100°C 36 m/Ω*mm²
    Specific electrical conductivity at 20°C 43 m/Ω*mm²
    Specific electrical conductivity at 20°C 43 m/Ω*mm²
    Specific electrical conductivity at 200°C 28 m/Ω*mm²
    Specific electrical conductivity at 200°C 28 m/Ω*mm²
    Specific electrical resistance at 100°C 0.028 Ω*mm²/m
    Specific electrical resistance at 100°C 0.028 Ω*mm²/m
    Specific electrical resistance at 20°C 0.023 Ω*mm²/m
    Specific electrical resistance at 20°C 0.023 Ω*mm²/m
    Specific electrical resistance at 200°C 0.036 Ω*mm²/m
    Specific electrical resistance at 200°C 0.036 Ω*mm²/m
    Specific heat at 100°C 0.45 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at 100°C 0.45 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at 20°C 0.37 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at 20°C 0.37 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at 200°C 0.48 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at 200°C 0.48 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at -200°C 0 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at -200°C 0 J/(kg·K)
    Thermal conductivity at 100°C 315 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity at 100°C 315 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity at 20°C 330 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity at 20°C 330 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity at 200°C 324 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity at 200°C 324 W/m*K
  • Welding
    Gas 6
    Gas 6
    MIG 5
    MIG 5
    Resistance spot welding 2
    Resistance spot welding 2
    TIG 5
    TIG 5
  • Aviation
    Aviation No
    Aviation No
  • Chemical specifications
    Cr (from) 0.5
    Cr (from) 0.5
    Cr (to) 1.2
    Cr (to) 1.2
    Fe (from) 0.08
    Fe (from) 0.08
    Fe (to) 0.08
    Fe (to) 0.08
    Other 0.2
    Other 0.2
    Rest Cu
    Rest Cu
    Si (to) 0.1
    Si (to) 0.1
    Zr (from) 0.03
    Zr (from) 0.03
    Zr (to) 0.3
    Zr (to) 0.3

    CuCr1Zr weist eine gute Kaltumformung und eine gute Warmumformung auf. CuCr1Zr hat eine mäßige Spanbarkeit. CuCr1Zr besitzt gegenüber Kupfer im lösungsgeglühten,
    homogenen Zustand eine erhöhte Anlaufbeständigkeit. CuCr1Zr ist beständig gegen Industrieatmosphäre, Brauchund Trinkwasser (Strömungsgeschwindigkeit max. 1,5 m/s),
    reinen Wasserdampf, nicht oxidierende Säuren (ohne
    gelösten Sauerstoff) und neutrale Salzlösungen.

  • Food industry
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
  • Material
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Cu Cr1 Zr
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Cu Cr1 Zr
    Material no CW106C (former: 2.1293)
    Material no CW106C (former: 2.1293)
  • physical properties
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 16.3 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 16.3 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 17 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 17 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 17.6 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 17.6 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Density 8.91 g/cm³
    Density 8.91 g/cm³
    Modulus of elasticity at 20°C 90 GPa
    Modulus of elasticity at 20°C 90 GPa
    Specific electrical conductivity at 100°C 36 m/Ω*mm²
    Specific electrical conductivity at 100°C 36 m/Ω*mm²
    Specific electrical conductivity at 20°C 43 m/Ω*mm²
    Specific electrical conductivity at 20°C 43 m/Ω*mm²
    Specific electrical conductivity at 200°C 28 m/Ω*mm²
    Specific electrical conductivity at 200°C 28 m/Ω*mm²
    Specific electrical resistance at 100°C 0.028 Ω*mm²/m
    Specific electrical resistance at 100°C 0.028 Ω*mm²/m
    Specific electrical resistance at 20°C 0.023 Ω*mm²/m
    Specific electrical resistance at 20°C 0.023 Ω*mm²/m
    Specific electrical resistance at 200°C 0.036 Ω*mm²/m
    Specific electrical resistance at 200°C 0.036 Ω*mm²/m
    Specific heat at 100°C 0.45 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at 100°C 0.45 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at 20°C 0.37 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at 20°C 0.37 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at 200°C 0.48 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at 200°C 0.48 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at -200°C 0 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at -200°C 0 J/(kg·K)
    Thermal conductivity at 100°C 315 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity at 100°C 315 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity at 20°C 330 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity at 20°C 330 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity at 200°C 324 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity at 200°C 324 W/m*K
  • Welding
    Gas 6
    Gas 6
    MIG 5
    MIG 5
    Resistance spot welding 2
    Resistance spot welding 2
    TIG 5
    TIG 5
  • Aviation
    Aviation No
    Aviation No
  • Chemical specifications
    Cr (from) 0.5
    Cr (from) 0.5
    Cr (to) 1.2
    Cr (to) 1.2
    Fe (from) 0.08
    Fe (from) 0.08
    Fe (to) 0.08
    Fe (to) 0.08
    Other 0.2
    Other 0.2
    Rest Cu
    Rest Cu
    Si (to) 0.1
    Si (to) 0.1
    Zr (from) 0.03
    Zr (from) 0.03
    Zr (to) 0.3
    Zr (to) 0.3

    CuCr1Zr weist eine gute Kaltumformung und eine gute Warmumformung auf. CuCr1Zr hat eine mäßige Spanbarkeit. CuCr1Zr besitzt gegenüber Kupfer im lösungsgeglühten,
    homogenen Zustand eine erhöhte Anlaufbeständigkeit. CuCr1Zr ist beständig gegen Industrieatmosphäre, Brauchund Trinkwasser (Strömungsgeschwindigkeit max. 1,5 m/s),
    reinen Wasserdampf, nicht oxidierende Säuren (ohne
    gelösten Sauerstoff) und neutrale Salzlösungen.

  • Food industry
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
  • Material
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Cu Cr1 Zr
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Cu Cr1 Zr
    Material no CW106C (former: 2.1293)
    Material no CW106C (former: 2.1293)
  • physical properties
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 16.3 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 16.3 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 17 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 17 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 17.6 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 17.6 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Density 8.91 g/cm³
    Density 8.91 g/cm³
    Modulus of elasticity at 20°C 90 GPa
    Modulus of elasticity at 20°C 90 GPa
    Specific electrical conductivity at 100°C 36 m/Ω*mm²
    Specific electrical conductivity at 100°C 36 m/Ω*mm²
    Specific electrical conductivity at 20°C 43 m/Ω*mm²
    Specific electrical conductivity at 20°C 43 m/Ω*mm²
    Specific electrical conductivity at 200°C 28 m/Ω*mm²
    Specific electrical conductivity at 200°C 28 m/Ω*mm²
    Specific electrical resistance at 100°C 0.028 Ω*mm²/m
    Specific electrical resistance at 100°C 0.028 Ω*mm²/m
    Specific electrical resistance at 20°C 0.023 Ω*mm²/m
    Specific electrical resistance at 20°C 0.023 Ω*mm²/m
    Specific electrical resistance at 200°C 0.036 Ω*mm²/m
    Specific electrical resistance at 200°C 0.036 Ω*mm²/m
    Specific heat at 100°C 0.45 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at 100°C 0.45 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at 20°C 0.37 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at 20°C 0.37 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at 200°C 0.48 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at 200°C 0.48 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at -200°C 0 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at -200°C 0 J/(kg·K)
    Thermal conductivity at 100°C 315 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity at 100°C 315 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity at 20°C 330 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity at 20°C 330 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity at 200°C 324 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity at 200°C 324 W/m*K
  • Welding
    Gas 6
    Gas 6
    MIG 5
    MIG 5
    Resistance spot welding 2
    Resistance spot welding 2
    TIG 5
    TIG 5
  • Aviation
    Aviation No
    Aviation No
  • Chemical specifications
    Cr (from) 0.5
    Cr (from) 0.5
    Cr (to) 1.2
    Cr (to) 1.2
    Fe (from) 0.08
    Fe (from) 0.08
    Fe (to) 0.08
    Fe (to) 0.08
    Other 0.2
    Other 0.2
    Rest Cu
    Rest Cu
    Si (to) 0.1
    Si (to) 0.1
    Zr (from) 0.03
    Zr (from) 0.03
    Zr (to) 0.3
    Zr (to) 0.3

    CuCr1Zr weist eine gute Kaltumformung und eine gute Warmumformung auf. CuCr1Zr hat eine mäßige Spanbarkeit. CuCr1Zr besitzt gegenüber Kupfer im lösungsgeglühten,
    homogenen Zustand eine erhöhte Anlaufbeständigkeit. CuCr1Zr ist beständig gegen Industrieatmosphäre, Brauchund Trinkwasser (Strömungsgeschwindigkeit max. 1,5 m/s),
    reinen Wasserdampf, nicht oxidierende Säuren (ohne
    gelösten Sauerstoff) und neutrale Salzlösungen.

  • Food industry
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
    suitable according to DIN EN 602 No
  • Material
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Cu Cr1 Zr
    Material chemically EN 573-3 Cu Cr1 Zr
    Material no CW106C (former: 2.1293)
    Material no CW106C (former: 2.1293)
  • physical properties
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 16.3 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 100°C 16.3 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 17 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 200°C 17 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 17.6 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Coefficient of thermal expansion from 20 to 300°C 17.6 K⁻¹10⁻⁶
    Density 8.91 g/cm³
    Density 8.91 g/cm³
    Modulus of elasticity at 20°C 90 GPa
    Modulus of elasticity at 20°C 90 GPa
    Specific electrical conductivity at 100°C 36 m/Ω*mm²
    Specific electrical conductivity at 100°C 36 m/Ω*mm²
    Specific electrical conductivity at 20°C 43 m/Ω*mm²
    Specific electrical conductivity at 20°C 43 m/Ω*mm²
    Specific electrical conductivity at 200°C 28 m/Ω*mm²
    Specific electrical conductivity at 200°C 28 m/Ω*mm²
    Specific electrical resistance at 100°C 0.028 Ω*mm²/m
    Specific electrical resistance at 100°C 0.028 Ω*mm²/m
    Specific electrical resistance at 20°C 0.023 Ω*mm²/m
    Specific electrical resistance at 20°C 0.023 Ω*mm²/m
    Specific electrical resistance at 200°C 0.036 Ω*mm²/m
    Specific electrical resistance at 200°C 0.036 Ω*mm²/m
    Specific heat at 100°C 0.45 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at 100°C 0.45 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at 20°C 0.37 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at 20°C 0.37 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at 200°C 0.48 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at 200°C 0.48 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at -200°C 0 J/(kg·K)
    Specific heat at -200°C 0 J/(kg·K)
    Thermal conductivity at 100°C 315 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity at 100°C 315 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity at 20°C 330 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity at 20°C 330 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity at 200°C 324 W/m*K
    Thermal conductivity at 200°C 324 W/m*K
  • Welding
    Gas 6
    Gas 6
    MIG 5
    MIG 5
    Resistance spot welding 2
    Resistance spot welding 2
    TIG 5
    TIG 5

1 very good
2 good
3 moderate
4 poor
5 unsuited
0 Not specified